
alkali n.(pl. alkali(e)s) 【化學】堿;強堿。

alkali blue

Testing of pulp ; determination of the alkali solubility of pulp 紙漿的檢驗.紙漿的堿溶性測定

Standard for maximum alkali content in concrete 混凝土堿含量限值標準

Health protection zone standard for chlor alkali plant 氯堿廠電解法制堿衛生防護距離標準

Rice field fish culture in soda saline - alkali land 蘇打鹽堿地稻田養魚

Application of rectisol process in alkali co - production 低溫甲醇洗工藝在聯堿生產中的運用

An exact quantum theory for alkali metal atom 堿金屬原子的精確量子理論

Amelioration of water quality to fish culture in saline - alkali land 鹽堿地養魚的水質改良

Soaps . determination of free caustic alkali 肥皂.游離苛性堿含量的測定

Paper and board - determination of alkali reserve 紙和紙板.堿保留量測定

I fear this has gone beyond alkali lake 這恐怕已不僅是阿克萊湖的問題了

Paper and board . determination of alkali reserve 紙和紙板.堿殘留量測定

Method for determination of alkali solubility of flax materials 亞麻料堿溶性的測定方法

Test method for alkali - resistance of refractories 耐火材料抗堿性試驗方法

Safety in use of alkalis in science experiments 使用濃硫酸的安全措施使用鹼的安全措施

The manufacture of sodium alkalis , that is sodium carbonate 生產堿性納,即

Immersion service in acids , alkalies or solvents 不能用于酸、堿、溶劑的浸漬環境下。

Test method for colour fastness to alkali milling 堿性縮絨色牢度的試驗方法

Test method for alkali resistance of porcelain enamels 搪瓷耐堿性能測試方法

Advanced study on alkali - carbonate reactions in concrete 碳酸鹽反應研究進展