
alkalescent adj.微堿性的。


The welding performance of homemade wear - resistant cast steel has been studied base on the weldability tests , the repair welding procedures of wean - resistant cast steel ( abrasion - plates ) have been made up , the results show that satisfying repair welding quality can be attained with such welding conditions as the low hydrogenous alkalescent welding rod , preheating and slow cooling , strictly maintaining the interbedded temperature of 250 ~ 300 and controlling welding technique 通過對其焊接性能的試驗研究,制定了該類鑄鋼件(磨耗板)的補焊工藝:低氫型堿性焊條,預熱與緩冷相結合的工藝措施,嚴格控制層間溫度( 250 ~ 300 )及焊接工藝規范,可獲得滿意的修復質量。

The results suggested that the ph value , the type of monomers , the type , concentration and surface properties of inorganic nanoparticles , the type and concentration of emulsifier have a great influence on the encapsulating emulsion polymerization and the obtained latex stability . if selecting cationic emulsifier ( ctab ) , low water soluble monomers ( such as ba , st ) and hydrophobic nano - silica , the inorganic nanoparticles would be encapsulated by polymers through ultrasonic irradiation successfully under alkalescent condition 系統研究了ba 、甲基丙烯酸甲酯( mmal苯乙烯舊t )以及它們的共聚體系在超聲輻照作用下包裹聚合的主要影響因素,結果表明: ph值、單體的種類、無機納米粒子的種類、濃度及表面性能、乳化劑的種類及濃度等對超聲輻照包裹乳液聚合以及復合體系的穩定性有較大的影響。

Ammonifiers in suzhou creek can not use inorganic nitrogen and carbamide as nitrogen source ; additional carbon source and garbage lixivium have little influence on ammonifiers growth ; high content of salt and low temperature restrain ammonifiers growth ; alkalescent condition has little influence on ammonifiers , but acidic condition restrain ammonifiers growth ; the biomass of ammonifiers are not necessary correlated with the function of ammonifiers , adding glucose with 1g / l content into the water sample obviously promote the growth and function of ammonifiers . physiological groups of bacteria play significant role in the translation and 蘇州河的氨化菌無法利用無機氮和尿素作為氮源;在營養條件充足時添加額外c源和富含有機物的垃圾浸出液對氨化菌的生長基本無影響;高鹽度和低溫抑制氨化菌生長;堿性條件對氨化菌的生長影響不大,酸性條件對氨化菌生長具有抑制作用;氨化菌生物量的消長與轉氨活性之間不存在必然聯系, 1g / l的葡萄糖對蘇州河水樣中氨化菌的數量和轉氨功能具有明顯的促進作用。

At present , most soda water exploited in the world is from hot spring , but the alkalescent soda water of our company from cold spring is quite rare , for it contains boron and another 17 beneficial microelements 目前,世界發現或開發的天然蘇打水,多數屬于溫泉,而本公司開發的弱堿性天然蘇打水是冷泉,而且含硼和人體必需、有益微量元素17種,實屬罕見。

( 1 ) the soil from century garden is an alluvial and diluvia soil in an alkalescent medium ( 1 )世紀花園地基土是在弱偏堿性介質環境下形成的沖洪積沉積。