
alkalescence n.微堿性。


In environment water treatment aspect , there are professional technology staff who are working on environment protect and dedicate to transplant foreign advanced technology , meanwhile they develop acidity / alkalescence waste water treatment technologies and equipment , soft water desalination technologies and equipment , high effectual lime preparation and putting set , high effectual integration putting set , at the same time , develop gravity sand filters , bevel precipitate set , many series of filter set , super filter set , prevent infiltration set , cooling tower , large - sized frothing water tank , cleaning device etc . . all these technologies and equipments are domestic leading level 環保水處理方面,有專業從事環保方面的技術專業人員,在從事多方面環境污染治理工作的基礎上,致力于消化移植國外先進技術,研制開發出酸性/堿性廢水處理工藝和成套設備、軟水脫鹽水工藝和成套設備、高效石灰乳制備及投加裝置、高效一體化加藥裝置,同時開發出重力砂濾器、斜板沉淀器、多種過濾器、超濾裝置、反滲透裝置、冷卻塔、大型鼓泡水箱、清洗裝置等單體設備,這些工藝技術與設備均居于國內領先水平。

The electrode was found to decrease the solubility of dithizone in alkalescence solution and effectively minish the lose of deoxidize state of metal . third , a potentiometric sensor was prepared by adding copper diethyldithiocarbamate directly into the carbon paste mixture , and the electrode was found has nerst response to copper ion in solution . and in our research two pharmaceutical selective electrodes were fabricated by coating polyvinyl chloride ( pvc ) which contained electroactive material on carbon rod electrode 第二,利用- cd與環氧氯丙烷形成的交聯聚合物( - cdp ) (不溶性)包合了雙硫腙,然后將- cdp與雙硫腙包合物樹脂作為修飾劑制備了碳糊修飾電極,利用陽極溶出伏安法( asv )測定了pd ~ ( 2 + ) ,實驗發現通過包合降低了雙硫腙在堿性溶液中的溶解度并且減少了金屬還原態的流失,取得了較好的效果。

So these karst series problems are lowness ability of making soils , distributing odds of surface water and groundwater , leakiness of fountain , alkalescence of circumstance , lowness of bio - diversity , rapidness converse succession of vegetation and fragility of soil character and entironment . and karst region produces many problems , e . g . rock desert , soil erosion and degeneration because of artificial influence and destruction 巖溶空間介質具有地上地下雙層結構,可溶巖造壤能力低,巖溶水空間分布不均、地表地下水關系密切、水源易漏失,偏堿性環境、生物資源集聚程度低,植被逆向演替快、順向演替難,巖溶地質與生態環境十分脆弱,受到人為因素的影響和破壞,極易產生石漠化、土壤侵蝕與退化等一系列問題。

It revealed that hexagonal structure was easily synthesized in the neutral medium , and lamellar structure was inclined to prepare under basic condition , and from the cooperative charge density matching mechanism and function of manganese iron and template molecular , the alkalescence influence on the structure was explained , and appropriate neutral hexadecylamine ( hda ) availed to synthesis of mesophase with more ordered degree for the mediation of packing parameter 通過水熱合成方法對錳氧有序相的合成進行初步研究,探討合成工藝對有序結構的影響:在中性的條件下,易合成六方有序結構產物;在堿性條件下,更易合成層狀結構產物。并從電荷匹配的原則及錳離子與模板劑間鍵合作用解釋了堿量的多少對合成產物結構的影響。

Dissolve in water , carbinol , ethyl acetate , ethanol , methylene chloride and hydrocarbon . store in obturation , photophygous , low temperature neutral or alkalescence condition . nvp is moderate poisonous , less smell causticity to rubber and leather 棕黃色或棕紅色成型粉狀,具有淡淡的特殊氣味,溶于水和乙醇,不溶于二乙醚和氯仿,穩定性好,無刺激,對細菌病毒真菌霉菌及孢子都有較強的殺滅作用。

Concrete protect the steel against corrasion , for it provide the alkaline condition . carbonization is a key factor that makes alkalescence of concrete decrease , the high performance concrete is applied in engineering field increasingly with its good carbonization capability 混凝土對鋼筋的保護作用是由于其提供了避免鋼筋產生銹蝕的堿性環境,而碳化作用是使混凝土堿性降低的重要因素之一。

The analysis of applying antibiotic the most frequently used medicines were those for balancing water , electrolite , acid and alkalescence ( 28 . 8 % ) in the body , and followed by anti - infection ( 15 . 3 % ) and vitamin ( 9 . 8 % ) 手術病人抗生素應用分析使用頻率最高的藥品是調節水、電解質和酸堿平衡類藥,占28 8 ,其次為抗感染藥,占15 3 ,第三位是維生素類藥品,占9

Tailings active also do not be immutable , it may know surpass work means activation , general methods have following 3 kinds : mechanical reduction law , hydro - thermal synthetic law and alkalescence arouse law 尾礦的活性也不是一成不變的,它可以通過人工手段激活,常用的方法有如下三種:機械磨細法、水熱合成法和堿性激發法。

The decrease in value of ph by plla can be stabilized by the alkalescence brought by degradable cp . inflammatory reaction can be avoided 同時磷酸鈣降解后溶液呈堿性,可以中和聚合物降解的酸性產物,穩定ph值,防止plla降解過快造成的無菌性炎癥的出現。

The pd pre - concentration method by alkalescence anion resin and determination of trace pd by gfaas 石墨爐原子吸收測定痕量鈀

Study on hydrogenation of nitrodiphenylamine in alkalescence system 硝基二苯胺催化加氫還原工藝研究

The alkalescence battery of power source of : 1x90 , low news 電源: 1x90堿性電池.低電