
alive adj.〔多作表語〕1.活著的;活動的,活潑的,精神抖擻...

“ as the common saying goes , “ every man alive has a duty to his country . “ 匹夫有責。


Bardo's jealous ear was alive to the slight movement . 巴爾多審慎的耳朵是不會放過任何輕微的響動的。

He is in a coma and is being kept alive by a life-support machine . 他處于昏迷,靠生命維持器活著。

It was like having immortality while you were still alive . 仿佛是當你仍然活著的時候就得到了永生。

You wouldn't think he was so wonderful if he was alive . 要是他活著,你就不會認為他有什么能耐了。

Osterman was yet alive and there were chances of his recovery . 奧斯特曼還活著,還有復原的希望。

The stream had a force and a persistence which seemed alive . 這條河真可說是桀驁不馴,猛不可當。

He is alive with ambition . 他雄心勃勃。

He is dead and it is no use wishing him alive again . 他已經死了,希望他再活過來的想法也是枉然。

Hope keeps us alive . 我們靠希望而生存。

You'll not fish without eating while i'm alive . 只要世界上還有我,決不能讓你不吃飯就去打魚啊。

He knew more about the middle ages than any man alive . 比起同時代的人,他對中世紀更有些研究。

Nuclear fusion is the energy source that keeps the sun alive . 核聚變是使太陽保持活力的能源。

He was alive with thoughts and feelings concerning carrie . 他渾身洋溢著關懷嘉莉的思想感情。

Pocket insults and remain alive . 忍辱偷生。

The lake was alive with fish . 湖內魚多得很。

Animals are alive to sound . 動物對聲音敏感。

He 'll skin you alive for being late for five minutes . 如果你遲到5分鐘,他就會嚴厲申斥你。

It was a beautiful wooded country, alive with game . 這個地方風景很美,樹木成林,野味很多。