
alison n.艾麗森〔女子名,Alice 的昵稱〕。


Mrs chan lam lai - bing alison studied at lingnan primary school and ying wah girls school 陳林麗冰女士,早歲就讀于嶺南小學,中學則修業于英華女校。

Mrs alison chan lam lai - bing studied at lingnan primary school and ying wa girls school 陳林麗冰女士早歲就讀于嶺南小學,中學則修業于英華女校。

It just sort of happened after i caught walter and alison going at it on the boat 當我發現沃爾特和艾莉森在船上密謀之后,計劃就這樣開始了

I did not dare to speak aloud or even whisper to alison what was in my mind 我不敢大聲說,甚至也不敢低聲向艾莉森說出我的心里話。

Alison was the first one to start , and has been skating for the whole five hours 艾麗森是第一個開始滑的,已經滑了整整五個小時。

I know many women who have a career and a family - alison for example 我認識許多事業和家庭兩者兼顧的女性,阿莉森就是其中一位。

You gotta admit this is a great boat . i mean , even if it is called the alison 你得承認這是條好船我是說,盡管它叫艾莉森號

Alison : thank you . i want to look my best for the foreign guests 艾麗森:謝謝。為了迎接外國客人,我要盡量打扮得好看些。

I know many women who have a career and a family alison for example 我知道有許多婦女能事業家庭兼顧- -艾莉森就是其中之一

P > tommy and alison are at the health club . it is alison ' s first time 湯米和艾莉森在健身俱樂部。這是艾莉森第一次到這里。

Alison has made her mark in the theatre and is already playing leading parts 艾利森已在該劇院嶄露頭角,她已扮演主角。

Female artist elliott , alison 陌生的女人

Instead , alison convinced him to move in a different direction 艾倫給他們所選擇的歌曲定位就是:布魯斯,沉思,憂郁。

I ' m taking the alison out for a cruise . we ' ll moor it in lanikuhonua 我要乘艾莉森號去兜兜風我們會泊在蘭尼庫魯諾阿

Alison is learning to ride 艾莉森在學騎馬。

Alison : it ' s for a delegation from our sister city in germany 艾麗森:是我們在德國的姐妹城市所派遣的代表團。

Alison : that ' s because he ' s a beginner . shall i ask him to stop 艾莉森:因為他剛學彈不久。要我叫他不要彈嗎?

I told miss alison that she had two retraining options 我告訴了艾莉森女士,在重新培訓雇員方面她有兩種選擇。

Alison : and what did you say 艾莉生:你是怎么說的