
aline aline = align. -ment = align...


Another new speech detection method using the ad aline neural network is discussed , including its structure , learning algorithm and simulation results for the detection of speech signals transmitted under different channel conditions 討論了采用自適應線性神經元網絡adaline的方法檢測語音起點。包括該網絡的結構、學習算法以及對不同干擾條件下語音信號起點檢測的統計結果。

Properties : it has excellent acid , aline and salt resistance . hence has excellent anticorrosive antibacterial and properities against plant and other attacks when buried under ground 產品特點:該產品具有優良的耐酸、堿、鹽等化學腐蝕、抗微生物侵蝕、抗根系植物的侵蝕及地下水的化學影響

Later , i was relieved that the minister has reconsidered the issue and a committee headed by dr . aline wong was set up to study the feasibility of compulsory education till primary four 后來,教育部重新考慮這課題,并設立一個由簡麗中博士主持的委員會,去探討能否實施四年強制教育。

The most important awareness to retain after each of these drills is the feeling of the head and body being aligned ( alined ) and streamlined traveling sleekly just below the surface 以上每個訓練之后應保留的最重要的意識是頭和身體成一直線和在水面下流線型滑動的感覺。

We are expertised in developing kinds of product including car appliance , office appliance , toys , gifts , and etc , alining with the market trend 公司根據市場潮流開發各種產品,產品項目有:眼鏡、汽車用品、兒童玩具、辦公用品等。

The web aline will not guarantee a business success and nor should it be expected to 網排列將不保證企業成功并且也不它應該被期待。

In the mouth of loch aline we found a great seagoing ship at anchor . 在亞林灣的出口處,我們發現那兒停泊了一艘出海的大船。