
alimony n.【法律】贍養費;撫養費;生活費。


Clause 12 as referred to in paragraph 1 of article 73 , a creditor ' s right exclusively personal to the obligor means a claim for alimony , child support , parental support or succession , or , a claim for wage , retirement pension , old age pension , death benefits , relocation allowance or life insurance , or , a personal injury claim 第十二條合同法第七十三條第一款規定的專屬于債務人自身的債權,是指基于扶養關系、撫養關系、贍養關系、繼承關系產生的給付請求權和勞動報酬、退休金、養老金、撫恤金、安置費、人壽保險、人身傷害賠償請求權等權利。

The scope of legal aid for civil matters is stipulated as follows : legal matters in connection with claims for alimony , nurturing fee , fostering fee , pension and relief fund and civil matters in connection with claims for compensation for injury while on duty except for accidents due to negligence 在民事事項中,規定法律援助的范圍是:請求給付贍養費、撫育費、撫養費、撫恤金、救濟金的法律事項;除責任事故外,因公受傷害請求賠償的法律事項。

An allowance for support made under court order to a divorced person by the former spouse , usually the chief provider during the marriage . alimony may also be granted without a divorce , as between legally separated persons 贍養費按照法庭判決離婚后的原配偶通常為夫妻中收入較多的一方給另一方的供養補助。贍養費亦可付給并未離婚的雙方中的一方,如在合法分居時

When an employee fails to pay alimony to a former spouse as required by the court in divorce proceedings , the court may then order the employer to deduct part of the employee ' s income for alimony payments 當一名雇員在離婚訴訟中被法庭命令需向其前度配偶支付贍養費,而該雇員未能支付有關贍養費時,法庭可命令其雇主扣除該雇員的部分收入用作支付該贍養費。

Third , once divorce looms , a wife may want to move to england or america ( but should avoid no - alimony states such as florida ) ; for husbands , staying in continental europe is wise 第三,一旦夫妻雙方打算離婚,妻子會想要去英國或美國辦理離婚,不過她們應該避免去那些諸如弗羅里達那樣沒有贍養費規定的州府,而對丈夫一方來說,呆在歐洲大陸是比較明智的選擇。

We beg to inform you that we are instructed to wait until tomorrow thursday at one o clock , before filing suit against you , on behalf of mrs . julia hurstwood , for divorce and alimony 上面客客氣氣地寫道:閣下:本事務所受命通知您,本所將恭候閣下到明天即星期四下午一時。屆時如不光臨,本所將代表朱利亞赫斯渥太太就離婚和贍養事務一案提起訴訟。

Third , once divorce looms , a wife may want to move to england or america ( but should avoid no - alimony states such as florida ) ; for husbands , staying in continental europe is wise 第三,一旦離婚迫在眉睫,女方也許想移居英格蘭或者美國(但應避免到佛羅里達之類“無贍養費”的州) ;此時,男方宜留在歐洲大陸不動。

Mrs . jones was awarded $ 1000 . 00 monthly alimony by the court when she was divorced from her husband 瓊斯太太跟丈夫離婚后,根據法院判決她每月可得到一千美元的贍養費。

As children and the elderly to alimony could not reach consensus on the court that recently ruled 由于子女和老人就贍養費未能達成共識,法院宣布將于近日作出裁定。

They have been fighting over alimony for a long time . i wonder what will become of them and their children 他們為贍養費爭執這么久,不曉得他們和小孩會怎么樣

When his wife was awarded alimony by the court , snow had to ante up 當他的太太被法庭判定獲有離婚贍養費時,斯諾不得不付這筆錢。

We talk about alimony , 我們經常討論贍養費

You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony 直至要支付贍養費為止,你決不會了解到一個月多么短促的。

She is implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony 有如訴訟要求贍養費的妻子一樣,她是個難以折衷的對手。

When his wife was awarded alimony by the court , kerr had to ante up 當法庭判給他太太離婚贍養費時,克爾不得不付。

Of all said properties solely , and no alimony is ordered 可以獨自保留對所有已聲明財產的所有權不需支付贍養費

You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony 你不知道一個月到底有多短,直到你還贍養費的時候

Money for alimony and / or child support , which is overdue and unpaid 拖欠的離婚贍養費和(或)子女撫養費。

My mom only smiles once a month when the alimony check comes 我媽每個月只在收到贍養費的時候才會有笑容