
alimentation n.1.供給食物;營養。2.扶養。


Ice - sea clay hir conditioner ice - sea clay contains may kinds of mineral and alimentation , can equably distributing on hair , form protective film , repair damaged hair , supply losing alimentation , it ` s very effective for the damaged hair by dye and marcel , and changing hair at all , leave you beautiful hair 產品介紹:冰海泥中蘊含多種有益礦物質和養份,可以極為均勻地分布在發絲各處,形成保護膜,修復受損發絲,供給流失養份,對因漂,染,電,燙嚴重受損的發質特別有效,從根本改變發質,讓秀發亮麗如花

Seaweed hair conditioner adopt the essential of alga containing many kinds of vitamin , can ef - fectively adjust hair alimentation balance , clear old accumulate , and sufficiency supply alimentation and water , repair damaged squama , solve the bother of damaged hair , recur fine hair 產品介紹:采用蘊含多種維化命群的海藻精華,獨特的柔潤雙重配方,能有效調發絲天然平衡,清除內部廢代謝聚積,并充分補充發質營養和水份,修復受損鱗片,解決頭發干枯、分叉、扁塌等受損煩惱,重現秀發的柔光滑。

Berman as per you love dandle tone versus different kinds of sickness and pestilential resistance body nutritional requirements custom - made product , maintain extra alimentation required intensify immune system functional component , match with proportion protein cum fat ingredient give support to immune system combine intensify cell function up 伯曼根據您愛寵增強對各種疾病和瘟疫的抵抗力身體營養需求定做的產品,含有額外營養所需強化免疫系統功能成分,配以均衡蛋白質及脂肪成分支援免疫系統并強化細胞功能。

China traditional product packaging design should start from cultural tactic basing on national culture and absorb alimentation and distillate of foreign culture , to become indeed product packaging design possessing of conventional meaning 中國傳統產品包裝設計應以民族文化為本位的文化策略思想出發,同時吸收外來文化中的營養和精華,做到真正有傳統意味的產品包裝設計。

Berman as per you love dandle own gloss shone human hair coat and elegance statural nutritional requirements custom - made product , maintain extra alimentation required beauty hair functional component chisel skin - deep metabolism and renewal in 曼根據您愛寵擁有光彩耀人的被毛和優雅身材的營養需求定做的產品,含有額外營養所需美毛功能成分參與皮毛的代謝與更新。

Berman warrant you love dandle ideal body nutritional requirements custom - made product to supply extra alimentation equired tonicity skeleton cum muscle ingredient with 伯曼根據您愛寵理想體態的身體營養需求定做的產品,提供額外營養所需強壯骨骼及肌肉成分。產品未使用高灰質成分,使產品變得美味而又不影響寵物消化健康。

Berman warrant you love dandle ideal body nutritional requirements custom - made product to supply extra alimentation required tonicity skeleton cum muscle ingredient with 伯曼根據您愛寵理想體態的身體營養需求定做的產品,提供額外營養所需強壯骨骼及肌肉成分。產品未使用高灰質成分,使產品變得美味而又不影響寵物消化健康

In traditional culture of our country , there are many management theory , method and working ruse , all that are needed - alimentation that we build up modem enterprise culture 摘要在我國的傳統文化中,有著極為豐富的管理理論、方法以及經營的謀略,這些東西是我們建立現代企業文化必須吸收的營養。

On the contrary , the european never pay much more attention to the styles of the dish , the prefer to get a good coordination and protection of the alimentation of the dishes 而歐洲人很講實際,在菜的花色變化上從不下什么工夫,更講究其營養搭配和保護,注重菜的內在質量。

Journalistic educational reforms assimilate alimentation from occidental journalistic education 從西方新聞教育中汲取營養

Intra - intestines and parenteral alimentation for treatment of acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎的腸內及腸外營養支持

Most of us enjoy the abundance and variety in alimentation 我們這兒大部分人都知道食物的豐富和種類。

Most of us know the abundance and variety in alimentation 我們這兒大部分人都知道食物的豐富和種類。