
alimentary adj.1.有關食物的,有關營養的。2.富有養分的。 a...

Take a look at her organizational scale , she has developed into a large , mass party with more than 60 million members and 3 . 5 million fundamental organizations from al illegal , small party with only a few more than 50 people and 8 local organizations . on the subject of our party ' s regulation construction , it changed from the initial construction of rules and chapters to their alimentary systematization and then gradual perfection , which further systemized the organization of our party ; in regard to the social status of the party ' s member , it changed from the initially and partially emphasizing the members “ status ( that is , they must come either from workers or from peasants . ) 從組織規模上看,由創生時只有50多人、 8個地方組織的非法小黨發展成為一個擁有6千多萬黨員、 350多萬個基層組織的群眾性大黨;從黨的制度建設上看,由最初的建章立制到黨規黨法的初步體系化進而不斷完善,使黨組織結構制度化的程度一步步加深;從黨員的社會構成看,由片面強調工農化、搞“唯成分論”到吸納社會各階層的先進分子以增強黨的階級基礎和擴大黨的群眾基礎,這其中積累了許多成功的經驗:一是黨組織結構各要素的相互適應與協調發展。

There are two main types of weight reduction surgery . “ malabsorption “ surgery reduces the absorptive capacity of alimentary tract with appropriate gastric and small bowel bypass and can achieve great weight reduction 常用的外科減肥手術可分為兩類:吸收不良型( malabsorption )以腸胃繞道的方式,減低吸收營養的能力。

“ one hundred steps on foot “ after a meal , will influence the alimentary canal digestion and absorption of the nutriment because of increasing in amount of exercise 飯后“百步走” ,會因運動量增加而影響消化道對營養物質的消化吸收。

alimentary canal

The aim of this thesis was to investigate the development , distribution , properties and metabolic factors of digestive enzyme in alimentary tract by means of methods of enzymatic biochemistry and molecular biology , which provided theoretic evidence for formulation of feed and nutritional requirement in tilapia 羅非魚具有優良的生長特性和飼料利用能力,本文采用酶學和分子生物學的研究技術,對羅非魚消化酶的特性、分布和活性變化規律以及與外源因子的相互關系進行了系統研究。

When people eat raw or incompletely cooked pork containing cysticerci , the cysticerci are stimulated by the bile in the alimentary canal and retract their heads so as to hook onto the intestinal mucosa . proglottids segments grow continuously from their necks and form adult worms in two to three months . usually , there is one adult worm in the human body , but there may also be several of them 人們生食或攝食污染熟食或未煮透的含囊尾蚴的豬肉時,含囊尾蚴在消化道內受到膽汁的刺激,頭節翻出,固著在腸粘膜,從頸部不斷長出節片,約經二到三個月,發育為成蟲,人體內通常寄生一條成蟲,也可寄生數條。

Occurred through giant panda s alimentary canal . the cell wall became thinner , and the rupture and loss of primary and secondary wall was observed . therefore , it showed that giant panda has the ability to digest part of components of cell wall , such as pectin and semicellulose , etc . furthermore , it is possible that giant panda can digest a little cellulose . the morphological method used in this study is a new idea for nutrition research . the ability of utilization of cell wall of bamboo by giant panda is unique in carnivore . it is adaptation to its phytophage Sp .筍細胞壁的利用狀況,利用石蠟切片半薄切片和超薄切片技術,通過光鏡和透射電子顯微鏡觀察,對比研究野生大熊貓食物和糞便中的松花竹筍細胞壁的形態。發現竹筍經過大熊貓的消化后,其細胞壁在形態上有明顯的變化,薄壁細胞細胞壁變薄,厚壁細胞初生壁和次生壁都有部分消失缺損或扭曲。

With adsorption and ion exchangeability , it is mainly used as additive in feed , it can absorb ammonia , fix nitrogen , delay the time nutriments stay in alimentary canal , absorb detrimental substance , improve the function of digest , supply many microelements and macroelemnts for livestocks 主要用作飼料的添加劑,具有吸附性和離子交換性,能吸氨固氮延緩營養物質通過消化道的時間吸附腸道有害物質,改善消化機能同時可以供給畜禽多種微量和常量元素,促進增產增重,提高飼料報酬。

The paper discusses how to reconstruct the 3d model of alimentary canal from many medical tomographic images using the computer 3d visualization technology , explains the work principle of its operation signal gathering devices and feedback force controlling devices , and describes the mass - spring / damper simulation model used in the software emulation 主要討論了通過計算機三維可視技術,對醫學斷層影像重建得到三維訓練模型;并講解系統外設實現操作量采集和力反饋的工作原理,以及系統仿真軟件采用的質點彈簧阻尼物理仿真模型。

The basic principle of the method is that , when the micro drug delivering device mounted with a permanent magnet pass through the alimentary canal , the variety of magnetic field was detected by hall sensors , so the location of micro drug delivering device could be deduced and dynamic tracing can be achieved 其基本過程是在微型藥物釋放裝置上固定永磁體,當其通過消化道時在體外檢測磁場變化,進而實時計算出微型藥物釋放裝置的空間位置,并描記出運動軌跡,實現動態跟蹤。

Take a look at her organizational scale , she has developed into a large , mass party with more than 60 million members and 3 . 5 million fundamental organizations from al illegal , small party with only a few more than 50 people and 8 local organizations . on the subject of our party ' s regulation construction , it changed from the initial construction of rules and chapters to their alimentary systematization and then gradual perfection , which further systemized the organization of our party ; in regard to the social status of the party ' s member , it changed from the initially and partially emphasizing the members “ status ( that is , they must come either from workers or from peasants . ) 從組織規模上看,由創生時只有50多人、 8個地方組織的非法小黨發展成為一個擁有6千多萬黨員、 350多萬個基層組織的群眾性大黨;從黨的制度建設上看,由最初的建章立制到黨規黨法的初步體系化進而不斷完善,使黨組織結構制度化的程度一步步加深;從黨員的社會構成看,由片面強調工農化、搞“唯成分論”到吸納社會各階層的先進分子以增強黨的階級基礎和擴大黨的群眾基礎,這其中積累了許多成功的經驗:一是黨組織結構各要素的相互適應與協調發展。

There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural , as distinct from human law , as integral parts of the human whole : the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance : the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence , the agonies of birth and death : the monotonous menstruation of simian and particularly human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause : inevitable accidents at sea , in mines and factories : certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations , innate lunacy and congenital criminality , decimating epidemics : catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality : seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions : the fact of vital growth , through convulsions of metamorphosis from infancy through maturity to decay 生與死的痛苦。類人猿和尤其是人類女性那單調的月經,自初潮期一直延續到閉經期。海洋上礦山和工廠里那些不可避免的事故某些非常痛苦的疾病以及伴隨而來的外科手術生來的瘋顛,先天性犯罪癖導致人口大批死亡的傳染病在人類心靈深處種下恐怖種子的災難性特大洪水震中位于人口密集地區的大地震歷經劇烈變形,自幼年經過成熟期進入衰退期的生命成長的事實。

Major international association meetings in 1997 included the 9th asian congress of paediatrics , the 1997 pacific rim forum , the 9th assembly of lutheran world federation , the 4th asia pacific life insurance congress ' 97 , the 1997 annual meetings of the boards of governors of the world bank group / international monetary fund , the world trade centers association general assembly , the 14th asia pacific cancer conference and 4th hong kong international cancer congress , the 6thworld economic development congress and alimentary disease week hong kong 1997 年內,國際機構舉行的大型會議包括第九屆亞洲兒科醫科會議,一九九七太平洋區經濟會議、世界信義宗聯會第九屆大會、第四屆亞太區壽險大會、一九九七世界銀行及國際貨幣基金組織理事會年會、世界貿易中心協會會員大會、第十四屆亞太腫瘤會議、第四屆香港國際腫瘤會議、第六屆世界經濟發展會議,以及一九九七香港消化疾病周。

Compared to control , retention times of digesta in whole alimentary tract of immunized animals inc reased by 20 hours ( to use cumlative excretion of 5 % marker as reference ) . immunoneutralization of ss significantly augmented activities of digestive enzymes ( proteolytic , trypsin , chymotrypsin , amylase ) in pancreas and the small intestine ( control and immunized animals were 1693 . 67unit / g , cp , 2728 . 33 unit / g , cp , 3055 . 50 unit / g , cp , 12 . 9x106 unit / g , cp ; 2 . 57x 102unit / g , cp , 1 . 20x103unit / g , cp , 1 . 12x 103unit / g , cp , 2 . 98x 107unit / g , cp ft 2451 . 33 unit / g , cp , 2904 . 17 unit / g , cp , 4279 . 33 unit / g , cp , 20 . 61 x 106 unit / g , cp ; 6 . 45 x 102unit / g , cp , 2 . 53 x 103unit / g , cp , 1 - 83 x 103unit / g , cp , 5 . 77 x 107unit / g , cp , respectively , p < 0 . 05 or p < 0 . 01 ) 12ng ml , 0人su vg ,各指標比較均差異不顯著, p 0刀5人兔疫組動物的食糜消化道滯留時間明顯增加(以指示劑累計排出50為標準,兔疫組較對照組大約增加20小時) ,與此同時, ss免疫中和也提高了胰腺和消化道各種消化酶的比活力(對照組和免疫組胰腺,小腸食糜總蛋白酶,胰蛋白酶, ”糜蛋白酶和淀粉酶比活分別為1693石7unit g , cp , 2728

Compared with lactococcus , lactobacillus is the better choice of oral vaccine for some properties , including their immunogenicities , resistance to the circumstance of the alimentary tract and remaining in long period in gastro - intestinal tract , however , lactococcus is more effective in selecting antigen to induce immunological response , while the positive result of lactobacillus is limited 與乳酸乳球菌相比,乳酸桿菌特有的一些性質使其成為口服疫苗更好的選擇,這些特性包括它們的免疫原性,對上消化道內情況的耐受以及能在胃腸道中長時間留存,然而乳球菌在選擇抗原誘導免疫反應方面更加有效,但是乳桿菌的陽性結果十分有限。

Use : collagen is used in many fields including cosmetic , food , medical care products and drink products etc . ; collagen can promote bone formation , treat arthritis , inhibit blood pressure raise and protect alimentary tract mucosa , at the same time collagen has beautification function 膠原蛋白用途非常廣泛,用于化妝品食品醫藥保健品飲料等多方面領域在生理機能方面,促進骨生成修復關節炎抑制血壓上升保護消化道粘膜增強美容效果皮膚頭發指甲

The distributive and accumulative rules of cadmium are studied , with measuring the radioactivity . the results showed that cd was absorbed rapidly by carp via gill and alimentary canal from water , and distributed into al parts of the body , mainly in soft tissue with blood circulation 用不同的濃度和不同時間的富集實驗的結果表明,草魚不同組織對cd 》的蓄積各不相同,內臟中的積累濃度最高,肌肉中的積累濃度較低。其含量順序為內臟鰓鱗片肌肉。

Results out patients comprehend elementary knowledge , alimentary therapeutics and cinesiatrics of diabetes . 91 . 0 % of them are glad to get more information about diabetes , but only 58 . 4 % get information from staff of community health service center 結果門診病人對糖尿病的基本知識、飲食療法、運動療法有一定的了解,愿意獲得糖尿病知識的高達91 . 0 % ,而從社區醫務人員宣傳教育途徑獲得相關知識的較低,只占58 . 4 % 。

The portal venous tumor emboli could further induce intrahepatic tumor cells dissemination and metastasis and thus aggravate the portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis leading to massive bleeding of upper alimentary tract or failure of liver function 由于門靜脈癌栓可導致腫瘤細胞在肝內播散和轉移,并加重肝硬化患者門脈高壓,從而引起上消化道大出血,甚至導致肝功能衰竭。

True , you am going away on a holiday : but don t please be quite so indecently elated about it . believe me , whatever god there is is slowly eliminating the guts and alimentary system from the human being , to evolve a higher , more spiritual being 不錯,你要旅行去了,但是請你不要高興得這樣沒有分寸,相信你吧,如有個上帝在,管他是什么上帝,他會把人類肉體里的腸胃淘汰了。