
alimental adj.食物的,營養的,富有養分的。


But cannot emphasize nutrition overly , because suffer from hepatitis ancon , digest to alimental , absorb a function to drop , increase nutrition again by force , receive fine constrainedly , can make epigastrium unwell feeling is aggravating , and increase to already was damaged the burden of liver cell , cause abdominal distension , diarrhoea 但不能過分強調營養,因患肝炎肘,對食物的消化、吸收功能減退,再強調高營養,勉強進良,會使上腹部不適感加重,且增加已受損肝細胞的負擔,引起腹脹、腹瀉。

In addition , smell is ok still stomachic , with nose nose alimental fragrance , with respect to can exciting appetite 此外,嗅覺還可以增進食欲,用鼻子嗅到了食物的香味,就會刺激食欲。

Have allergy history cannot vaccinal , allergy history includes medicaments and alimental allergy 5 .有過敏史的不能接種,過敏史包括藥物和食物的過敏。