
aliment n.1.食物;滋養品。2.生活必需品。3.撫養(費)。v...


Remark or should it be called an interruption ? that an omnivorous being which can masticate , deglute , digest and apparently pass through the ordinary channel with pluterperfect imperturbability such multifarious aliments as cancrenous females emaciated by parturition , corpulent professional gentlemen , not to speak of jaundiced politicians and chlorotic nuns , might possibly find gastric relief in an innocent collation of staggering bob , reveals as nought else could and in a very unsavoury light the tendency above alluded to 斯迪達勒斯先生神學懷疑論者發表意見或者應該說是插話道,患黃疽癥的政治家和害萎黃病的尼姑自不用說,由于分娩而衰弱的女癌癥患者和從事專門職業的胖紳士總是咀嚼形形色色的食品,下咽,消化,并以絕對的沉著使其經過通常的導管。

Here comes a story about three people with sliding fortune : a gangster running away from mafias after killing their boss ; an ex - doctor who has just got out of prison because of his malpractice ; and a woman with serious liver aliment escaping from debt collectors because of her heavy spending on shopping 這是一個關于三個人的故事:一個剛剛殺掉社團首領,正在逃跑的社團成員一個因診治失當被判入獄,剛從獄中步出社會的醫生一個患有肝病,因購物而借下巨債,正在逃避債主的女人。

The advantage of the grid is not only the strong ability of processing the data , but also the low computing cost because of the use of the free resources on the internet , it implements the sharing of resources and aliments the isolated resource island eventually 網格的優勢在于不但數據處理能力超強,而且能充分利用網上的閑置處理能力來節約計算成本,最終實現資源的共享,消除資源孤島。

Where the parents fail to perform their obligations , the underage children and the children without the ability to live an independent life shall be entitled to ask their parents to pay aliments 父母不履行撫養義務時,未成年的或不能獨立生活的子女,有要求父母付給撫養費的權利。

Where any child fails to perform his or her obligations , the parents thereof who are unable to work or who are living a difficult life shall be entitled to ask their child to pay aliments 子女不履行贍養義務時,無勞動能力的或生活困難的父母,有要求子女付給贍養費的權利。

Where either party fails to perform the obligation of supporting the other party , the party that needs support shall be entitled to ask the other party to pay aliments 一方不履行扶養義務時,需要扶養的一方,有要求對方付給扶養費的權利。

When you stay home the only aliments that should be easily available are fruits 當您停留家庭應該容易地取得到的唯一的aliments是果子。