
alike adj.〔常作表語〕相同,一樣,相似。The two b...


So far as dr. macphail was concerned, his pity and his resentment were alike extinguished by his desire to be rid of the unfortunate woman . 拿麥克費爾醫生來說,他希望擺脫這個倒霉女人的心情,已經完全壓倒了他的憐憫之心和憤恨不平。

In addition, governments in rich and poor countries alike may be subverted and used as the vehicles for personal ambition or desire for wealth . 此外,富國和窮國的政府同樣可能遭到顛覆,并可能成為個人野心和致富愿望的工具。

In many decision-making situations, managers need to determine whether the parameters of two populations are alike or different . 在許多需要做出決策的情況里,管理人員需要判斷兩個總體的參數是相同的還是不同。

I had no measure of time, day and night were alike in that ill-smelling cavern of the ship's bowels where i lay . 我沒法估計時間,我是躺在船中的一個洞穴里的在這臭氣熏天的洞穴里,白天和黑夜沒有什么區別。

Against them must be set the great american faith in betterment that warmed writer and land speculator alike . 不過與此相對的,是美國雄心勃勃的進取心,這種信心使作家和土地投機商同樣感到鼓舞。

In 1979 and again in 1980, we had to lay off thousands of workers, blue-collar and white-collar alike . 在1979年,后來又在1980年,我們不得不辭掉數以千計的工作人員,其中有藍領的,也有白領的。

Poets and historians alike are put on the defensive, to be contrasted unfavourably with both awares and unawares . 不管是史家還是詩人,全都黯然無光,連明智派和非明智派都比不上了。

But in both countries these ancient, slow, and sure modes of conveyance, are now alike unknown . 可是,這些古老、緩慢而穩當的的交通方式,現在在這兩個國度都已無人知曉了。

Men and women alike screamed with rage, fear and desperation, all mixed into one emotional spasm . 男男女女都一樣,又氣,又怕,又絕望,而齊聲叫了起來,大家都情緒激忿。

It was already obvious that manpower was the measure alike of our military and economic resources . 人力同樣是我們的軍事和經濟資源的度量的一個方面,這點已經是明顯的。

The world lifted its head, surveyed the scene of ruin, and victors and vanquished alike drew breath . 世界抬起了它的頭,看一看劫后的廢墟,勝利者和戰敗者都松了口氣。

At first all roosevelt boys looked alike to us but quickly we sorted them out . 起初,在我們看來,羅斯福所有的男孩子都長得很象,但是不久后,我們就可以區別他們了。

Some authors look at it merely as a scheme for arranging together these objects which are most alike . 有些學者以為這不過是一種清單,把最相似的生物排列在一起。

His kindly, humorous, understanding eye looked with a wide tolerance on good and bad alike . 他那仁慈的,幽默的、明理的眼光對善惡都抱同樣寬容的態度。

The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion, and are only alike in their ineffectuality . 人為的催眠法多不勝舉,唯一的相同處是全都無效。

Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than mount taishan or lighter than a feather . 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或輕如鴻毛。

Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than mount tai or lighter than a feather . 人總有一死,或輕于鴻毛,或重于泰山。

There were thirty years between them, yet in a way they looked startlingly alike . 他們之間相差三十歲,但是在某一方面,看去又非常相象。

In all nearly eight million pounds were collected by the contributions of rich and poor alike . 從貧富人等處一共募集了將近800萬鎊。