
align vt.1.使排成一線[一行];校直。2.使結盟,使密切合...

Look at the game instructions “ p align “ center “ center 請看游戲中的操作說明


Rolling bearings ; single - row self - aligning roller bearings 滾動軸承.單列自位滾柱軸承

You want to align strings left , right , or center 你想把字符串排在左邊,右邊,中間。

Control is not aligned with the others , because its 控件未與其他控件對,因為該控件的

Can be used to allocate page - aligned memory in linux 來分配按頁對的內存。

Field emission from a non - aligned zno nanowire array 非定向氧化鋅納米線陣列的場發射

Property to one of the right - aligned horizontal alignments 屬性設置為右對的水平對(

The text captions in the form are right - aligned 窗體中的文本標題將向右對。

Could you align this table with those 你能把這張桌子同那些桌子排成一行嗎?

Applies the default formatting , which is left - aligned 應用默認的格式設置,即左對。

The contents of the row are aligned with the top of the row 行內容與行的上邊緣對。

But to align himself with such a little scoundrel 但是卻和你這么一個卑鄙小人聯合!

Our chakras are aligned to the earth ' s grid system 我們的脈輪排列到地球網格系統。

The caption element is aligned with the bottom of the table 標題元素和表的底部對。

Your pilot then aligns your plane with the runway 然后飛行員將會調整飛機對準跑道。

Aligns the text on the bottom of the bounding rectangle 對邊框底部的文本。

Do not use left - or right - align in html tags 不要在html標記中使用左或右對。

Aligning english - chinese words without bilingual dictionary 無雙語詞典的英漢詞對齊

Property are aligned to the top of the control 屬性的水平對設置為按控件的頂部對。