
alight vi.( alighted, 〔罕用語〕 alit )1...

alighting deck

Change to light rail and alight at ching chung stop . then walk for 5 minutes 站下車,再步行5分鐘便可到達。

The next station is nam cheong terminus , please alight of the left 下一站系南昌終點站,請用左邊車門落車。

They pour kerosene all over the thatch house , prepare to set it alight 他們把煤油澆在茅草屋上,準備放火。

A cigarette set the dry grass alight 香煙把乾草點著了

My eye alighted on a dusty old book at the back of the shelf 我偶然發現在書架后面有一本滿是灰塵的舊書

My eye alighted on a dusty old book at the back of the shelf 我偶然發現在書架面有一本滿是灰塵的舊書

He wears a face alight with happiness 他的臉上喜氣洋洋。

The cars from which the guests were now alighting are imported 客人正在下的那幾部小汽車都是進口的。

An airplane alighted on the airdrome 一架飛機在機場著陸。

The birds couldn ' t alight on the mats and his head simultaneously 鳥兒不可能同時停在墊子和他身上。

The whole place is alight with a rumour 那里都傳遍了一個消息

5 the bus stops regularly to pick up passengers or let them alight 巴士經常停下來,讓乘客上下車。

Do not move about inside the bus compartment unless alighting 一?六如非落車,請勿在車廂內走動。

The next station is tsuen wan west , please alight of the left 下一站系荃灣西,請用左邊車門落車。

When boarding and alighting , never stand in front of the yellow line 上落車時,切勿站越黃線。

The mystic token alighted on the hither verge of the stream 那神秘的標志落在離小溪不遠的地方。

Always let people alight first before you board the lrv 列車到站后,應先讓車上乘客下車才登車。

Her dress caught alight in the gas fire 她的衣服讓煤氣爐燒著了

He alighted on a rare medical herb 他偶然找到了一種稀有的草藥。