
alienation n.1.疏遠;離間。2.讓渡,轉讓。3.精神錯亂。4.【...


The ethical thinking of leisure alienation in china at present 對當前中國休閑異化現象的倫理思考

Sublation of the phenomenon of alienation in the library management 揚棄圖書館管理中的異化現象

Which is not good at resolving the problem of alienation of s & t 這無益于科技異化問題的解決。

On female alienation in zhang ailing ' s novels 論張愛玲的女性意識

Part two analyzes the cause of the alienation 第二部分對村民自治權異化產生的原因進行了剖析。

On monetarism and alienation of human nature 論貨幣化與人性的異化

A study of adolescent students ' alienation and its development 青少年學生疏離感及其發展的研究

Viewing literature translation from angles of adaptation and alienation 歸化的優勢看文學翻譯

The gradual alienation of capital ' s ownership 資產所有權的逐漸異化

Psychology of alienation behind the conflict between father and son 父子沖突背后的異化心理

Being - object and alienation during practising - from hegel to marx 公共權力異化的預防與遏制

The alienation of education and the crisis of higher education 教育的異化與高等教育的危機

Alienation in translation under the circumstances of globalization 全球化背景下翻譯的異化

The alienation of contemporary children folk rhymes 淺論當代童謠的異化

Comparison between the alienation guarantee and mortgage 讓與擔保與按揭法律制度比較研究

Post - alienation : philip roth ' s new approach 菲利普183 ;羅斯創作的新視域

The relation among alienation , estrangement and objectification 異化與對象化之關系及演變

Discussion of law control of technical alienation 芻議技術異化的法律控制

The rational thinking on the problem of information alienation 信息異化問題的理性思考