
alienate vt.1.疏遠;離間,挑撥,使…不和。2.【法律】讓渡,...

“spirit“ seeks to recover these alienated moments thus creating the movement which drives it towards total unity and thus a non-alienated consciousness . “精神”致力于發現這些異化了的階段,從而產生驅使其走向絕對統一的運動,從而產生非異化的意識。


' he has alienated my brothers from me ; my acquaintances are completely estranged from me 13 [和合] “他把我的弟兄隔在遠處,使我所10認識的全然與我生疏。

Will help prevent your users from feeling alienated by your possibly dramatic site changes )有助于防止用戶對(可能是巨大的)站點更改產生陌生感。

21 once you were alienated from god and were enemies in your minds because of [ 6 ] your evil behavior 21你們從前與神隔絕,因著惡行,心里與他為敵。

Such policy has made the chinese recognize dutch force , and alienated from natives 這種政策的結果導致華人更認同荷蘭殖民勢力,疏遠土著。

His attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had complete faith 他離間那兩個朋友的企圖失敗了,因為他們彼此完全信任。

A doting mother alienates her husband by lavishing too much love on their child 溺愛孩子的母親給孩子太多的愛,以至于和丈夫疏遠了。

The woman ' s unsociable behaviour gradually alienated her from all her friends 那個婦女不友好的行為漸漸地使她和所有朋友疏遠了。

The man ' s unsociable behavior gradually alienated him from all his friends 那個人不友善的行為漸漸使他和所有的朋友疏遠了。

By adopting this policy , they risk alienating many of their supporters 他們采取這個政策,就要冒同許多支持者疏離的風險。

Why not ? i asked myself . what alienates him from the house “為什么不敢呢, ”我問自己, “是什么使他與府樓疏遠了呢?

I worry about that guy . he alienates people . what kind of investigation 我為那家伙擔心,他疏遠大多數的人什么調查?

Alienating the relationship between rome and us . i told kremer about this 離間我們和羅馬的關系這些我和克萊默爾說過

This world must have been a cold and alienating place for a boy like that 那個世界對這孩子來說是很冷漠,很孤獨的

At bottom , the essence of spectacular time is alienated consumptive time 說到底,景觀時間的本質就是異化消費時間。

She alienated her friends and family by her selfish behavior towards them 她的自私行為使她的朋友和家人疏遠了她。

On a host of other issues , he has risked alienating the centre 在許多其他問題上,他的立場很可能疏遠這些中間派。

But the ploy could backfire by alienating working women 可是這種攻擊伎倆可能回讓職業婦女反感,而收到反效果。

He was alienated from his sister by his foolish behavior 他因為他的愚蠢行為而同他的姊姊[妹妹]失和[不和] 。