
alienable adj.1.可讓渡的。2.能疏遠的。


Through the comparison and analyses we can conclude four trends in foreign habitio in foreign habitio system : there is an obvious trend that the servitus personarum whose object is house is provided habitio ; the role of habitio arise in many fields step by step ; the alienable of habitio is accepted step by step ; the habitio provided by law is paid to more attention 通過上述比較分析,得出國外居住權制度的四點發展趨勢:將以住房為標的的人役權統一規定為居住權的趨勢明顯;居住權功能呈現多元化趨勢;居住權的可轉讓性逐步得到部分承認;法定居住權受到較多的重視。

I used to enjoy cartoon in my childhood . i am not very clear when i began to be fed up with cartoon that is remote and alienable from my real life 童年的時候曾經喜歡卡通片,我也記不清楚什么時候開始特別反感卡通片了,覺得卡通離現實生活特別遙遠和有隔閡感。