
alienability n.1.讓渡的可能性。2.疏遠的可能性。


After defining the alienability of the property right in copyright , this part goes further to explore the scope problems of the assignment of copyright , such as the whole assignment and partial assignment of copyright , the assignment of future works , the time - limit for the assignment of copyright and the relationship between copyright and its physical carrier 在明確了版權中的財產權利可以轉讓的基礎上,進一步探討了版權轉讓的范圍,主要包括( 1 )版權的全部轉讓與部分轉讓問題。版權可以全部轉讓也可以部分轉讓,但賣絕版權是不合理的。

The sponsor hereby authorizes the university party the right of nonexclusive use , alienability and exemption of royalties , but only for the implementation of the agreement can the sponsor ' s technology be used 贊助方在此授權大學方非獨占性、可轉讓、免交特許使用費,但僅為實施《協定》之目的而使用贊助方技術。