
alien adj.1.外國(人)的;異己的。2.(與…)相異 (f...

And say what ? “ my baby may be some kind of alien , 說什么?我的孩子也許是個外星人,

Soames checked his instinctive “not particular“--he would not chaffer with this alien . 索米斯抑制著那句“無所謂”的口頭禪沒有說--跟這個外國家伙犯不著嚕蘇。


Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe 外星人是不是忘了拔掉你屁眼上的探針

Cruelty was quite alien to his nature / to him 殘忍的行為與他的本性[與他]格格不入

That crackpot thinks his neighbors are aliens 那位瘋子認為他的鄰居是外星人。

And say what ? “ my baby may be some kind of alien , 說什么?我的孩子也許是個外星人,

The risk of alien invasive species and the solutions 外來入侵物種的危害及防治對策

Harm and management of alien invasive pest 外來入侵物種的危害及其安全管理問題

Like , if aliens came down and they had a . . 如果有外星人到地球來他們有一種. . . . .

- day 1 4 on the alien planet . - whereyou goin ' -在外星球上面的14天-你去哪里?

Like , if aliens came down and they had a 比如,如果外星人來了而且他們說一種

Man , what are we gonna do with this fuckin ' alien , huh 真不知道該拿你怎么辦才好

We deport aliens who slip across our borders 我們把偷渡入境的外國人驅逐出境。

A law was passed to protect alien property 通過了一項法律保護外國僑民的財產。

What is your name on the alien registration card 你永久居留證內的姓名是什麼?

Her behavior is alien to our ethical values 她的行為和我們的倫理標準格格不入。

He organizes an expedition to the aliens ' base , 他組織了一次去外星人基地的探險,

Alien 2 : the human animals , grossly undersized 外星人2 :人類這種動物真是矮小。

The number of eligibles in foreign statistics normally does not include aliens and persons who fail to satisfy literacy or residence requirements . 具有投票資格的人數,在外國的統計數字中,通常并不包括外籍人士,也不包括不能符合寫讀或居住條件的人士。