
alice n.艾麗斯〔女子名, Adelaide 的異體〕。

Alice said “they're done with blacking, i believe. “ 阿麗思說道:“我想是用的黑鞋油。”

“i didn't mean it!“ pleaded poor alice . “我沒有這個意思!”可憐的阿麗思解釋道。

“i beg your pardon,“ said alice very humbly . “請原諒,”阿麗思很恭順地說。

“of course not,“ alice replied very readily . “當然不,”阿麗思立即回答道。

“only a thimble,“ said alice sadly . “只有一個頂針了,”阿麗絲難過地說。

“stuff and nonsense!“ said alice loudly . “胡說八道!”阿麗思大聲說道。

“and that's the jury-box,“ thought alice . “那是陪審席。”艾麗斯想到。


We pooled in money to buy alice a birthday cake 我們湊錢給愛麗斯買了個生日蛋糕

You can ' t see alice . you don ' t know where she is 你沒法見她,你不知道她在哪里

Take the book from alice , she will tear it 把書從艾麗斯那拿開,她會撕了它的。

Alice considered a little , and then said the fourth 愛麗絲想了想說, “四號。 ”

( alice ) and the livestock was untouched at that time 那個時候牲畜一點事都沒有

Eddy : would you like to have a walk with me , alice 艾迪:你能和我一起去散步嗎?

Alice : don ' t you think she is more than fifty 艾麗斯:你不認為她是五十多歲嗎?

Alice : yes , but could you give me some sweets 艾麗斯:好,但你能給我一些糖嗎?

After class , the teacher took alice to one side 下了課,老師把艾麗斯叫到一邊。

How much is that football , alice ? ? it ' s 25 yuan 艾麗絲,那只足球多少錢? ? 25元。

I can ' t remember your telephone number , alice 我記不起你的電話號碼了,艾麗絲。

Alice ) the elders are going to have an inquiry tomorrow 長老們明天要開個調查會