
alibi n.(pl. alibis)1.【法律】不在犯罪現場的抗...

That ' s right the big “ alibi - rooney “ 就是這樣,犯罪的關鍵!


Police now have a newtest to help catch criminals and verify alibis 警方現在有了一種新的檢測方法來抓捕罪犯和現場取證。

Don ' t expect me to count on him unless he can show me the alibi 除非他能出示他的不在場證明,否則不要期待我會相信他。

Br > bring your alibis 使你有來到這的借口。

Now everybody ' s gonna know about this staircase your big alibi , nicky 現在所有人都知道這個暗道了,你的犯罪現場,尼克

It is a perfect alibi 這完全是在開脫罪責。

When an alibi is full of bourbon , sir , it can ' t stand up 證實我當時不在犯罪現場的bourbon ,先生,連站都站不起來

If he ' s out on legitimate business , he doesn ' t need an alibi 他要是有合理合法的事出去,就不需要不在現場的證明。

She has a perfect alibi 她有完美的不在場證明。

Our straight a ' s were our alibis , 最有利的辯解是

The suspects all had good alibis for the day of the robbery 所有疑犯都有在搶劫案發當天不在犯罪現場的充足證明

Once they verified your alibi .當然就會相信你的

All right , but if the surgeon general calls , you ' re my alibi 好吧,但要是外科大夫找我,你幫我跟他解釋一下

Who would alibi for that guy 誰會愿意為那個家伙辯解

She gave false alibis to the police about his movements 關于他的行動,她提供了不正確的不在場證明給警方。

You got your perfect alibi - me 你有完美的不在場證明:我

You got your perfect alibi - - me 你有完美的不在場證明:我

But you had your alibi ready no matter who was dead 但是你你已經準備好了不在場的證據,不管死的是誰

Check out her alibi for yourself 你自己聽聽她的不在場證明