
alhambra n.中古西班牙摩爾人 (Moor)諸王的宮殿〔以裝飾豪華...

Meini music company is the famous dealer of guitar and rock music instruments in china , and now it is the only agency of spanish “ alhambra “ guitar of china 美麗琴行是中國知名的吉他與搖滾樂設備經銷商,目前系西班牙“阿爾罕布拉”吉他中國總代理。

Because there was a very popular small square , “ san nicolas “ , which could see the whole view of the la alhambra 因為那里有個圣尼古拉廣場,在那可以看到阿罕布拉宮的全景。

It was a palace , “ palacio de carlos v “ , in the la alhambra , but we wanted to visit a castle first 這是阿罕布拉宮里的卡洛斯五世宮殿,不過我們要先去參觀附近的一個城堡。


In monterey park , alhambra , rosemead and other 1 ) suburban 2 ) communities in the san gabriel valley , shop signs for 3 ) car washes , drugstores and supermarkets appear in chinese . 4 ) shelves in the supermarkets are 5 ) stocked with live fish in 6 ) tanks of water , turkey feet , pig 7 ) snouts , and more than twenty 8 ) varieties of soy sauce 在圣格布瑞爾山谷的蒙特利公園、阿罕布拉、露斯米德與其它市郊小區中,洗車店、雜貨店與超級市場的招牌皆以中文寫就。

The los angeles chinese seventh - day adventist church in alhambra , california welcomes you to our website and we look forward to seeing you at our church services 基督復臨安息日會洛杉磯華人教會誠摯歡迎您瀏覽我們的網站?并希望您能來親自參加我們的聚會。本堂位于美國加州洛杉磯縣華人集中地圣蓋博谷西部的阿罕布拉市。

After finishing lunch , my honey continued reading the guide book , and showed me some nice pictures of la alhambra . he said that we would see the real ones soon 飯后,老公繼續翻閱關于格拉納達的導游書,還讓我看一些阿罕布拉宮的美景圖片。他說我們很快就可以親眼看到真正的美景了!

The reason why we chose it was that its location was very nice , sitting there people could enjoy not only the delicious food , but also the beautiful la alhambra 之所以選擇這家餐館,是因為它的地理非常理想,坐在那里,不僅可以品嘗美食,還可以欣賞到阿罕布拉宮的美景。

Meini music company is the famous dealer of guitar and rock music instruments in china , and now it is the only agency of spanish “ alhambra “ guitar of china 美麗琴行是中國知名的吉他與搖滾樂設備經銷商,目前系西班牙“阿爾罕布拉”吉他中國總代理。

Rising above the modern lower town , the alhambra and the albaycin , situated on two adjacent hills , form the medieval part of granada 俯瞰著低處的現代城鎮,艾勒漢卜拉宮和阿爾巴濟坐落在兩個相鄰的小山上,一直保持著中世紀格拉納達地區的風貌。

When i finally leave my tapas bar , it is the view of the alhambra from the mirador de san nicol s plaza that i want to see again 格拉納達擁有西班牙最優美的摩爾式建筑,其中最壯觀的是阿蘭布拉宮。

Bernard shaw greatly enjoyed the dancing of pantomimist vincent at the alhambra theater in london 肖伯納在倫敦阿爾汗布拉戲院觀看舞蹈演員文森特表演,非常欣賞。 / / ? ?這是中文嗎?

Bea - usa relocates its headquarters from alhambra , california to new york with the opening of its first branch in new york city 遷往紐約州紐約市,并于紐約市開設其首間分行。

Because there was a very popular small square , “ san nicolas “ , which could see the whole view of the la alhambra 因為那里有個圣尼古拉廣場,在那可以看到阿罕布拉宮的全景。

It was a palace , “ palacio de carlos v “ , in the la alhambra , but we wanted to visit a castle first 這是阿罕布拉宮里的卡洛斯五世宮殿,不過我們要先去參觀附近的一個城堡。

Now we left the palace , and were going to visit a big garden ” jardin de generalife ” in la alhambra 現在我們走出宮殿,打算去參觀阿罕布拉宮里的軒內洛尼菲庭園。

After buying the tickets , we took lunch in a restaurant which just near the la alhambra 買好票后,我們就到阿罕布拉宮附近的一個餐館里吃午飯。

Look , the alhambra just was behind me , seemed like it was very close to me 看,阿罕布拉宮就在我身后,看上去好象離我很近。

Eventually i hooked up with some vietnamese cats out in alhambra 最終我在阿而哈母布拉找到了幾個吸毒的

Now we reached the entrance of the la alhambra 現在我們到了阿罕布拉宮的門口。