
algorism n.1.十進制,十進位計數法。2.算法;算術。3.阿拉伯...

The main research results in this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) deeply analyzed the principle and technology of com communication . ( 2 ) put forward multicast communication model , introduced session space , added session object and session manager object into server , realizing many clients “ communication and management . ( 3 ) discussed dynamic load balancing and fault tolerance , designed scheduler , consider main load balancing strategy , algorism and the process to fault tolerance 本文的主要研究成果如下: ( 1 )深入分析模擬了com底層通信的實現原理與技術; ( 2 )給出了群組通信模型,引入會話空間的概念,在服務器中加入會話期對象和會話期管理對象,實現了客戶間的多點通信及管理; ( 3 )探討了多服務器系統中的動態負載平衡和容錯性問題,設計增加了調度器模塊,考慮了主要的負載平衡策略、算法及容錯性的處理; ( 4 )初步設計了實現多點通信時客戶、調度器及服務器應支持的主要功能及接口調用,討論了各接口之間的調用關系。

The low efficency arise from two factors : one is that we do n ' t understand multibody system as deep as possible , resting on “ there are so many trees as one ca n ' t see the forest “ . the other is that the algorism should hardly avoids void computing possiblly - - adding , minusing or multipling by zero , and ca n ' t reach the precision computing - - each computing is necessary , and the latter computing use the formal results as it can as as possible 計算效率不高的原因有二、一是對機械多體系統認識深刻程度不夠,停留在“只見樹木,不見森林”的層次上;二是算法上應該竭力避免虛運算? ?與零相加減、與零相乘和重復運算等,但由于多體系統動力學的復雜性、強非線性和人們對其認識現有深度的不夠,故未能實現所謂的“精益運算” ? ?每步運算皆為必須,且后續運算應盡能借用已有結果。

Some function models , like epp port controlling , ram groups “ management , caches , and data controlling , etc . , are also implemented in fpga to support the algorism implementations 以上兩部分的fpga實現除了純粹的算法模塊外,還包括測試用的外圍模塊,以及運行于實驗平臺上的控制模塊、緩存、數據控制等。這些模塊也用fpga來實現。


The system exploit concludes three contents . first is the circuit design of system ' s hardware , its main contents comprise the design of system exploration , people - machine passage and forward rear passage . the second one is the software plan , include the fuzzy logic algorism design by means of matlab / fuzzy logic module and system main program design . the third part is the design of system simulation throughout matlab / simulink module and the statements of system simulation result 系統開發包括三個方面的內容,一是系統硬件電路的設計,包括系統擴展、人機通道及前后通道設計;二是系統軟件設計,包括利用matlab的fuzzylogic模塊進行模糊控制算法設計和主程序設計,還包括硬件接口程序設計;三是仿真系統設計及在matlab / simulink模塊下進行仿真的結果陳述。

Creative points and all tasks having be finished are briefly shown below : according to the classical space meshing theory , we have strictly deduced a series of formulae such as the equation of contacting line of worm , the equation of the second limiting curve of worm gear , and the equation of working surface and non - working surface , etc . and we have deeply studied the algorism of the actual contacting lines of worm gear drive 本文的主要創新點和成果如下:基于經典共軛嚙合理論,對平面二包蝸桿副的運動關系進行了嚴密分析,獲得了蝸桿副齒面方程、蝸桿齒面一界曲線方程、蝸輪齒面二界曲線方程等一系列齒面分析所必須的數學公式,并深入研究了蝸桿副齒面接觸線的算法,為蝸桿副的三維數字化造型打下了堅實的數學基礎。

In result , it has ormited the flexbility of enbody subscript manupation and it has made us understanding multibody system deeper than before , and it has improved efficency in algorism , reaching o ( n ) , and it has resolved the computating of some nasa spacecrafts in application , and it forthermore can be developted to far more kinds of multibody system 其結果在理論上消除了具體操作細節的復雜性,并加深了對多體系統的深刻認識;算法上提高了計算效率,其計算效率為o ( n )量級,實踐上有效解決了若干美國航天飛行器的分析計算,且可進一步推廣到多種工程類型的多體系統。

The history and present situation of electric measuring instrument and features of intelligent meters are introduced in this paper . a brand - new scheme of intelligent electric parameter meter is proposed by the author after combining the features of intelligent meters and practical demand for electric measuring in 300mw generator units . general design , realization of hardware circuit comparison and analysis of errors of different algorisms are discussed in detail 本論文介紹了電測儀表的發展歷史與現狀,以及新興智能儀表的特點;結合智能化儀表特點和300mw發電機組電參數測試的實際需要,首次提出了一種智能型發電機組電參數綜合測試儀的研究方案;詳細敘述了該智能型綜合測試儀的總體設計,硬件電路實現,各種算法的比較的誤差分析;以及軟件框圖設計,針對影響測量精度的因素進行了分析,并制定了改進措施。

Based on the cdt protocol and the architecture of hardware , the software which makes use of simple , effectual algorism and assemble language implements the communication of rtu , it completes the data ' s operation , recordation , organization and supervision and it also fulfils the request of real - time and veracity of the system 根據cdt規約,結合硬件結構,本軟件采用簡單有效的算法,用匯編語言實現了rtu的通信,完成了數據的運算、記錄、組織和監控,滿足了系統實時性和準確性的要求。

The paper is based on wagon flow optimizing and aimed at optimizing the layout of section station . the author conducts the logistic conception , namely , wagon flow as logistic management . according to the amount of wagon flow in 2010 and 2015 , the author establishes mathematical model to optimize train formation plan , at the same time , adopts heuristic algorism to work out the schema of wagon flow 本研究是以車流優化為基礎,以優化襄石線區段站的設置的宗旨,分析了車流組織優化的國內外現狀,引入了物流的觀點,即車流的物流化管理,來研究車流組織優化,根據襄石線2010年和2015年的車流預測量和車流的特點及本身的實際現狀,建立了優化該線編組計劃的數學模型,并采用啟發式算法求解出該線的車流組織方案。

Aimed at the flaw of weak anti - slide function in traditional engineering machine , the thesis puts forward a new auto - anti - slide differential gear system controlled by intel 8751 microcontroller , which adopts the fuzzy logic as its control algorism and the best slide ration ( s ) as system ' s control target 針對傳統工程機械差速系統存在防滑功能不強的缺陷,提出以intel8751單片機為控制芯片,以最佳滑移率s為控制目標,采用模糊邏輯控制為控制算法的自動防滑差速系統。

There are many methods to control boiler combustion , but they are different from each other , and would be applied in different control purpose . according to the requirement of industry control system , on the basis of comparativeness and analysis of their difference , a control algorism combining do multi - mode control with intelligent multi - mode pid is put forward and will be verified by matlab simulation 本文在比較分析鍋爐現有燃燒控制方案的基礎上,根據工業控制的要求研制了基于do多模態與智能多模態pid相結合的控制算法,并通過一定的仿真加以驗證。

However , in order to control as a whole , it is not wide or systematic on the aspects of how to introduce algorisms existed in other fields into petroleum discipline , of combining actual problems and theoretic methods , of seeking out proper ways to treat with scenarios in reservoir management 然而,對于如何把已有的其它學科的算法,結合油藏經營管理的實際問題進行優化決策,尋找出貼切油藏經營管理優化決策的方法,以便從整體上進行宏觀把握這些方面,研究的并不多。

In the design of the hind part of the processor , because in later processing , there are no special request for the definition of no geometric information in iges file , we have discarded some unnecessary information in dxf file , only kept graphical data information and added some necessary system information , then , through the processing of the algorism , at last written the iges file according to the format of the iges standard 在處理器后部分的設計中,由于后續處理中, iges文件對非幾何數據信息的定義不作特別要求,我們舍棄dxf文件中一些不必要的屬性信息部分,僅保留圖形數據信息部分,加入一些必要系統信息,經過算法處理以后,按iges文件格式寫成iges文件。

This paper introduces two major prediction techniques , i . e . triple exponential smoothing prediction technique and gray prediction technique , and explains each technique ' s algorism and model construction in detail . by the combination of the above two method , the writer makes up the forecasting model of container throughput in shanghai port and forecasts the container throughput of near future . this would be the key content of the paper 文中詳細介紹了兩種預測方法各自的特點、算法及模型結構,并對上海港港口集裝箱吞吐量進行了實際預測,將預測的結果與實際吞吐量作比較,從而分析兩種方法的優缺點,然后將這兩種單項預測法整合成一種基于有效度的組合預測法,這也是本文的核心內容。

This paper ’ contributions are concentrated in several aspects as shown below : comparing with several frequency estimation algorisms ’ performances on the short data condition , a fast estimation algorism , based on dft , is raised . the theoretical analysis , performance analysis and simulation results are also given , bringing out the best relation between the counts of samples and the counts of frequency segments 本文的就以下幾個方面開展了研究工作:基于fpga的多信號檢測法:比較了短數據條件下各種測頻算法的性能,在此基礎上提出了一種基于dft的快速頻率檢測算法,通過matlab仿真,得出測頻精度與所需數據點數之間的最佳關系。

Our system uses data mining algorisms to analyze network - based and host - based audit data , and to generate intrusion detection rules and models automatically . after data mining process , our system also distributes these intrusion detection models and rules to other detection components automatically 針對這個問題,我們使用數據挖掘算法對安全審計數據進行分析處理,幫助系統自動生成入侵檢測規則以及建立異常檢測模型,并且將這些檢測規則和模型自動發布到網絡中的其他檢測結點。

The main research results in this thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) deeply analyzed the principle and technology of com communication . ( 2 ) put forward multicast communication model , introduced session space , added session object and session manager object into server , realizing many clients “ communication and management . ( 3 ) discussed dynamic load balancing and fault tolerance , designed scheduler , consider main load balancing strategy , algorism and the process to fault tolerance 本文的主要研究成果如下: ( 1 )深入分析模擬了com底層通信的實現原理與技術; ( 2 )給出了群組通信模型,引入會話空間的概念,在服務器中加入會話期對象和會話期管理對象,實現了客戶間的多點通信及管理; ( 3 )探討了多服務器系統中的動態負載平衡和容錯性問題,設計增加了調度器模塊,考慮了主要的負載平衡策略、算法及容錯性的處理; ( 4 )初步設計了實現多點通信時客戶、調度器及服務器應支持的主要功能及接口調用,討論了各接口之間的調用關系。

And the implementations in fpga of each composition are also completed . the rapidly frequency estimation algorism in the short data condition are implemented in fpga to get the band position . pipeline has been used in this dissertation to advance the performance 結合多相濾波下變頻結構、算法對測頻精度及速度的要求,提出了短數據快速測頻算法的具體實現,使用流水線的設計方法,提高了系統的數據吞吐率,在盡可能短的時間內提供多相濾波下變頻所需的載頻位置信息。

The subject focus on the issues about how to optimize the usage of material for manufacturing , especially on wood plate , the core arithmetic of the system is algorism genetic algorithms using the computer technology , the system is developed to realize the algorithms , which can optimize layout of two - dimensional cutting stock automatically the genetic algorithms overcome shortcomings of some traditional optimization , which can only get the local optimal solutions . the algorithms step out from local optimization to get the global optimization through the gene mutation of chromosome 本課題對目前制造業生產工藝中存在的下料問題,尤其是板式家具的優化排料問題,進行了深入地分析和研究,將實數型遺傳算法作為核心算法,引入到系統設計中,提出了解決板材下料的一套實用算法,結合計算機編程,實現了二維板材家具優化下料的自動優化排料系統。