
algonquin n.北美阿爾貢金族印第安人[語]。


Hoy started tending bar in 1948 and worked at various hotels and restaurants , including freeman chum in new york where he served monroe drinks , before moving to the algonquin where former beatle lennon used to order scotch . hoy was coy 荷伊在香港出生,二戰期間在美軍服役,之后就在美國各地酒吧擔任馬提尼酒調酒師,他曾為伊麗莎白泰勒約翰列儂等名人斟過酒。

The algonquin , which fittingly claims the distinction of being new york ' s oldest working hotel , threw a party for wong on tuesday night , inviting 300 of his friends and clientele 正好借機宣揚自己是紐約最老的仍在運營的酒店的聲望, algonquin酒店周二晚為黃海舉行了生日派對,邀請了他的300位友人和客戶。

Drinkers might want to keep a clear head when ordering a martini at new york ' s historic algonquin hotel or they might pay $ 10 , 000 for that cold sip 當喝酒的人在紐約古老的阿爾岡琴旅館點了一杯馬丁尼酒時他們應該保持清醒的頭腦,否則他們會為這杯酒支付一萬美元。

Drinkers might want to keep a clear head when ordering a martini at new york ' s historic algonquin hotel or they might pay $ 10 , 000 for that cold sip 飲酒的人要保持一個清醒的頭腦當在紐約歷史阿耳岡昆旅館點馬提尼時,不然他可能就要為抿一小口酒而付1萬美元了。

Drinkers might want to keep a clear head when ordering a martini at new york ' s historic algonquin hotel or they might pay $ 10 , 000 for that cold sip 尋酒者在紐約歷史悠久的a旅館點馬蒂尼的時候要有清醒的頭腦,不然他們要為這一杯的馬蒂尼付1萬美元。

Drinkers might want to keep a clear head when ordering a martini at new york ' s historic algonquin hotel or they might pay $ 10 , 000 for that cold sip 喝酒者在紐約歷史悠久的a酒店點酒時要保持清醒的頭腦,否則很容易會為啜飲一口酒而支付1萬美元。

John lennon and henry kissinger would both come to the algonquin hotel , his employer for the past 27 years , and shared a taste for scotch , he adds 基辛格都喜歡來黃海過去27年一直工作的“ algonquin ”酒店,倆人都好蘇格蘭酒,黃海補充道。

From the girl who walked into my life at the algonquin hotel five years before 那個女孩,五年前在亞崗昆賓館走進了我的生活

Algonquin provincial park 阿爾貢金省立公園