
algiers n.阿爾及耳〔阿爾及利亞首都〕。

“ ah , continued my father , still frowning , their idolized emperor treated these madmen as they deserved ; he called them food for powder , which was precisely all they were good for ; and i am delighted to see that the present government have adopted this salutary principle with all its pristine vigor ; if algiers were good for nothing but to furnish the means of carrying so admirable an idea into practice , it would be an acquisition well worthy of struggling to obtain “啊,我父親還是皺著眉頭說道,他們所崇拜的那位皇帝對待這些瘋子的態度的確很合適,他把他們稱作“炮灰” ,這兩個字形容得再準確不過了。我很高興看到現政府正極力實施這個有益的政策,即使駐軍守衛阿爾及利亞只是為了那個目的,即使那個政策要花很多錢,我也要向政府道賀。 ”

“ i saw madame de saint - m ran only last year at marseilles , when i was coming back from algiers , “ said chateau - renaud ; “ she looked like a woman destined to live to be a hundred years old , from her apparent sound health and great activity of mind and body . how old was she ? “去年我還在馬賽見過圣梅朗夫人, ”夏多勒諾說, “我還以為她可以活到一百歲呢,因為她身體極好,頭腦很活躍,身子骨也很棒,她有多大年了? ”

“ i knew there were smugglers , but i thought that since the capture of algiers , and the destruction of the regency , pirates existed only in the romances of cooper and captain marryat . “我知道確實有走私販子,但我想,自從阿爾及爾被攻克,攝政制度被摧毀以來,海盜只是庫柏和瑪里亞特上尉的傳奇小說中的人物了吧。 ”

Dean , c . “ towards a theory of city form : le corbusier ' s plans for the city of algiers , 1930 - 1942 . “ 1978 朝向城市形式理論:科比意對阿爾及利亞城市的計劃, 1930 - 1942 , 1978 。


“ ah , continued my father , still frowning , their idolized emperor treated these madmen as they deserved ; he called them food for powder , which was precisely all they were good for ; and i am delighted to see that the present government have adopted this salutary principle with all its pristine vigor ; if algiers were good for nothing but to furnish the means of carrying so admirable an idea into practice , it would be an acquisition well worthy of struggling to obtain “啊,我父親還是皺著眉頭說道,他們所崇拜的那位皇帝對待這些瘋子的態度的確很合適,他把他們稱作“炮灰” ,這兩個字形容得再準確不過了。我很高興看到現政府正極力實施這個有益的政策,即使駐軍守衛阿爾及利亞只是為了那個目的,即使那個政策要花很多錢,我也要向政府道賀。 ”

On may 21 , 2003 , a strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 on the richter scale devastated the city of boumerdes , 50 km east of algiers , the capital of algeria . a total of 2 , 217 people perished , 9 , 085 were injured and more than two hundred thousand went homeless . the number of casualties continued to increase as aftershocks measuring 5 . 0 or above on the richter scale struck the affected area on may 27 , 28 and 29 5月21日,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東50多公里處的布米爾達斯市,發生了芮氏規模6 . 7級的強烈地震,造成2217人死亡9085人受傷,二十多萬人無家可歸的嚴重災情,并于后來的27 28 29日連續發生超過五級以上的多次馀震,使得傷亡人數持續增加中。

On may 21 , 2003 , a strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 on the richter scale devastated the city of boumerdes 55 miles east of algiers , the capital of algeria . the severe damage caused by the initial quake was intensified by a series of aftershocks , making the situation even worse 5月21日,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東55哩處的布米爾達斯市boumerdes ,發生了芮氏規模6 . 7級的強烈地震,后續并發生多次強烈馀震,造成相當嚴重的災情。

“ i saw madame de saint - m ran only last year at marseilles , when i was coming back from algiers , “ said chateau - renaud ; “ she looked like a woman destined to live to be a hundred years old , from her apparent sound health and great activity of mind and body . how old was she ? “去年我還在馬賽見過圣梅朗夫人, ”夏多勒諾說, “我還以為她可以活到一百歲呢,因為她身體極好,頭腦很活躍,身子骨也很棒,她有多大年了? ”

We will embark for algiers , for england , for america , or , if your prefer it , retire to the country and only return to paris when our friends have reconciled your family . 我們乘船到阿爾及利亞,到英國,到美國去,如你愿意的話,我們到鄉下去住,等到我們的朋友們為我們說情,你家里人回心轉意以后再回到巴黎來也可以。 ”

“ i knew there were smugglers , but i thought that since the capture of algiers , and the destruction of the regency , pirates existed only in the romances of cooper and captain marryat . “我知道確實有走私販子,但我想,自從阿爾及爾被攻克,攝政制度被摧毀以來,海盜只是庫柏和瑪里亞特上尉的傳奇小說中的人物了吧。 ”

A vessel was setting sail for algiers , on board of which the bustle usually attending departure prevailed 一艘大船正在升帆待發,準備開赴阿爾及爾,船上洋溢著一片起程前常有的那種匆忙喧鬧。

If there is one film that would be too painful to be seen by the westerners today , it would be the battle of algiers 如果有一個電影讓西方人因為過于痛苦而不能看,那應該是阿爾及爾的戰斗。

Women embrace after a blast damaged their home in thenia town , east of algiers , january 29 , 2008 1月29日,在阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東50公里的特尼亞,在爆炸中失去房屋的居民抱頭哭泣。

Dean , c . “ towards a theory of city form : le corbusier ' s plans for the city of algiers , 1930 - 1942 . “ 1978 朝向城市形式理論:科比意對阿爾及利亞城市的計劃, 1930 - 1942 , 1978 。

By the summer of 1956 france had about 400 , 000 soldiers in algiers 到1956年夏季,法國在阿爾及爾(譯者注:阿爾及利亞首都)有大約40萬士兵。

Said . you prefer nice to algiers , huh ? - no comparison 塞德,你寧愿去尼斯也不愿回阿爾及利亞?死都不回去

I ' ll carry you personally to algiers 我會親自帶你到阿爾及利亞

I thought you ' d been sent to algiers 我以為你被送到阿爾及利亞了呢

Algiers is the capital and the largest city 阿爾及爾是首都及最大的城市。