
algerian adj.1.阿爾及利亞的;阿爾及利亞人的。2.阿爾及利亞...

“ my dear albert , “ said franz , “ leave all to our host ; he has already proved himself full of resources ; let us dine quietly , and afterwards go and see the algerian captive . “我親愛的阿爾貝, ”弗蘭茲說, “一切讓我們的店家去辦好了,他已經證明過他是滿有辦法的。我們放心吃飯吧,吃完以后去看意大利歌劇去。 ”

During the algerian confusion , some tunisian soldiers were preparing to shoot their prisoners ( “ what a story “ ) 在阿爾及利亞的暴亂時期,有些突尼斯士兵準備要槍決他們的囚犯( “又是條新聞” ) 。


English , japanese , korean , french , german , russian , italian , spanish , portuguese , mongolian , romanian , persian , siamese , vietnamese , czech , denish , swedish , serbian , hindi , malaysian , indonesian , laos , burmese , dutch , ukrainian , hungarian , finnish , turkish , greek , urdu , arabian , polish , norwegian , irish , algerian , latin and many other minor languages . scope of translation services 英語日語韓語法語德語俄語意大利語西班牙語葡萄牙語蒙古語羅馬尼亞語波斯語泰語越南語捷克語丹麥語瑞典語塞爾維亞語印地語馬來語印尼語老撾語緬甸語荷蘭語烏克蘭語匈牙利語芬蘭語土耳其語希臘語烏爾都語阿拉伯語波蘭語挪威語愛爾蘭語阿爾及利亞語,拉丁語等多個小語種翻譯工作。

On may 30 , the materials were delivered to the chiang kai - shek international airport , and airlifted to paris with help from the formosa foreign ministry and china airlines . next , through the concerted efforts of fellow practitioners in europe , the international red cross and mr . said abdiche , the algerian consul general in france , the supplies reached the affected areas on june 3 在外交部與中華航空公司的協助之下,順利將這批物資運往巴黎再透過歐洲同修國際紅十字會及阿爾及利亞駐法國總領事阿博帝赫先生的協助,于6月3日起陸續送達災區。

With help from china airlines and formosa s ministry of foreign affairs , the materials were flown to paris . from there , through the concerted efforts of european initiates , the international red cross , and mr . abdiche , the algerian ambassador to france , the relief materials were delivered to the affected area beginning on june 3 在外交部與華航的協助之下,順利飛往巴黎,再透過歐洲同修、國際紅十字會及阿爾及利亞駐法國大使abdiche的通力合作下,已于6月3日起陸續送達災區。

The capital and largest city of algeria , in the north on the bay of algiers , an arm of the mediterranean sea . an ancient north african port , algiers was captured by french forces in1830 and was later a pivotal center of the struggle for algerian independence . population , 1 , 523 , 000 阿爾及爾阿爾及利亞的首都和最大的城市,位于地中海海灣阿爾及爾灣的北面。阿爾及爾是一個歷史悠久的北非港口,于1830年為法軍所占領,以后又成為阿爾及利亞獨立運動的中心。人口1 , 523 , 000

Since then , the italy - maghreb icc has spawned numerous humanitarian projects , providing health care and hospital equipment to algerians , flood relief to moroccans , and scholarships and vocational programs to algerian and moroccan postsecondary students 此后,義大利-馬格里布跨國委員會已經促成許多人道計劃,提供醫療與醫院設備給阿爾及利亞、協助摩洛哥水災救濟、提供阿爾及利亞與摩洛哥高中畢業生獎學金及職業訓練計劃。

At the paris airport , a native algerian truck driver from luxembourg who helped transport the provisions was so touched by masters loving concern that he asked to keep as a souvenir the little flag that relief team members had placed on his truck 在由巴黎機場轉運救援物資的過程中,有一位從盧森堡來的卡車司機也是阿爾及利亞人,他非常感動,并希望我們插在他卡車上的那面小旗幟能送給他留念。

Algerians may have become depoliticised , as berbers and islamists have been bought off with minor concessions and as public spending , paid for by oil and gas profits , has soared 阿爾及利亞人可能已經變得不在關心政治對其生活的影響,就像貝爾貝黨人與伊斯蘭教主義者在做出了小小的讓步之后便完成了自己的使命,而在獲得原油與天然氣利潤之后的公共費用開支也得到好轉。

In 2002 , the icc helped arrange and co - sponsor the enrollment of 62 algerians , eritreans , and moroccans ages 14 - 17 in a three - year diploma course at an agrarian institute in italy ' s pescara province 2002年,這個跨國委員會協助安排與共同贊助62名14 - 17歲阿爾及利亞、伊利垂亞、與摩洛哥的學生,到義大利佩斯卡拉省的一所農業學院就讀一個3年的學位課程。

“ my dear albert , “ said franz , “ leave all to our host ; he has already proved himself full of resources ; let us dine quietly , and afterwards go and see the algerian captive . “我親愛的阿爾貝, ”弗蘭茲說, “一切讓我們的店家去辦好了,他已經證明過他是滿有辦法的。我們放心吃飯吧,吃完以后去看意大利歌劇去。 ”

Formosas media carry reports on the algerian operation that transcended borders and sent a clear , forceful message to the world that we should love and care for each other and thus become unified as family 愛心行動,隨著媒體的報導,人們應彼此關愛與團結互助的訊息,也清楚而有力地傳達給世人。

In front of a truck loaded with relief materials , fellow initiates shake hands with mr . said abdiche , algerian consul general in france second from right . two consul assistants are on either side of the photo 阿爾及利亞駐法總領事阿博帝赫先生右二在裝載救援物資的卡車前與同修握手合影,

In france , where arabic immigrants are often marginalized , he has improved french impressions of algerians his parents are algerian immigrants thanks to his feats 在法國,阿拉伯移民往往處在社會的邊緣地位,由于他的成就,法國人改變了對阿爾及利亞人的看法齊達內的父母是阿爾及利亞移民。

A strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 hit the algerian capital of algiers on the night of may 21 . the death toll from the earthquake exceeded 2200 and more than 9000 people were injured 5月21日夜,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾發生6 . 7級強烈地震。地震造成的死亡人數超過2200人,另有9000多人受傷。

In 1999 , the americans nabbed an algerian asylum - seeker as he tried to cross the border from canada with explosives intended to blow up los angeles international airport 1991年,美國逮捕了一名試圖從加美邊界進入美國的阿爾及利亞籍庇護尋求者,他帶有炸藥,目的是炸毀洛杉磯國際機場。

The terror group al - qaida in iraq killing 2 kipnape algerian diplomats the second report slaying of arab envoys in iraq this month 在伊拉克的“基地”組織殺死兩名被他們綁架的阿爾及利亞外交官,據報道這是本月以來第二起阿拉伯外交官被殺害的惡性事件。

Under algerian law , suspects may be held without charge for up to 12 days , as set out in article 51 of the code of criminal procedure 依據阿爾及利亞刑事訴訟法第51條指出:在沒有提起訴訟的情況下,嫌犯最長只能拘禁十二天。

The son of algerian 18 ) immigrants , he played ball in the seets until a talent scout saw him one day when he was 14 years old 他是阿爾及利亞移民之子,在街頭踢球,直到14歲的某一天,有位球探發現了他。