
algeria n.阿爾及利亞〔非洲〕。


According to the report , countries such as egypt , sudan , algeria , morocco and 8yemen have very high 1 ) rates of 2 ) adults and kids who cannot read 根據這份報告,像是埃及、蘇丹、阿爾及利亞、摩洛哥及葉門等國家都有相當高比率的成人與兒童不識字。

Lotito has his eyes on several of algeria ' s brightest young players and hopes to take transfer negotiations to the next step while in algeri 洛蒂托將目光集中在幾名阿爾及利亞最有前途的年輕球員身上,并且希望可以和他們的俱樂部進行轉會談判

On may 21 , 2003 , a strong earthquake measuring 6 . 7 on the richter scale devastated the city of boumerdes , 50 km east of algiers , the capital of algeria 5月21日,阿爾及利亞首都阿爾及爾以東50多公里處的布米爾達斯市,發生了芮氏規模6

In the world war ii , algeria became a major base for the allied north africa campaign , and algiers was the capital of free france until the liberation of paris 二次大戰中,阿爾及爾曾為北非盟軍指揮部所在地,一度為法國臨時首都。

Then i will go to the governor of algeria ; he has a royal heart , and is essentially a soldier ; i will tell him my gloomy story 那時,我就去見阿爾及利亞總督,他有一顆仁慈的心,而且是一個道地的軍人。我將把我悲慘的身世告訴他。

Petronas is also involved in upstream activities in algeria angola chad cameroon gabon niger sudan south africa tunisia and lybia 還在阿爾及利亞安哥拉乍得喀麥隆加蓬尼日利亞蘇丹南非突尼斯利比亞從事上游活動。

The saharan film festival took place in the far western corner of algeria , where the immense dunes of the sahara desert begin to form 撒哈拉影展在西方的角落,阿爾及利亞舉辦,這里被模仿成撒哈拉沙漠的沙丘,揭開序幕。

As passing over the sahara in northern africa , chiao took this picture of the eastern sand sea ? a vast basin filled with shifting dunes ? in algeria 北部非洲的撒哈拉沙漠。這張照片中是阿爾及利亞境內形狀變化不定的沙海。

In algeria , suspects may be held without charge for a maximum of 12 days , under article 51 of the code of criminal procedure 根據刑事訴訟法51條的規定下,于阿爾及利亞,嫌疑犯在沒有指控的情況下,最長監禁時間為12天。

Born in morocco , archbishop mamberti has represented the holy see in algeria , chile , lebanon , sudan and at the un 出生于摩洛哥的曼貝蒂總主教曾擔任過圣座駐阿爾及利亞、智利、黎巴嫩、蘇丹和聯合國的代表。

More than a million frenchmen were brought up in algeria and came home only in the early 1960s after algerian independence 超過100萬的法國人在阿爾及利亞長大,在60年代初阿爾及利亞獨立后才回到家鄉。

Onyx is found worldwide , with particularly rich mines in brazil , india , madagascar , namibia , algeria , pakistanand , uruguay and mexico 紅色的瑪瑙,即古代的赤玉。紅瑪瑙中有東紅瑪瑙和西紅瑪瑙之分。

Algeria briefly tried to cut italy ' s gas off in the 1980s and lost billions of dollars in export revenues 阿爾及利亞在80年代一度試圖切斷意大利的天然氣供應,最終自己損失了數十億美元的出口收入。

Characteristics of petroleum geology of triassic basin and the subordinate oued mya basin in algeria and suggests for oil and gas exploration 韋德邁阿次盆地石油地質特征及油氣勘探中應注意的問題

The mosque , whose prayer room has 13 aisles with eight bays , is one of the largest in algeria 城中的清真寺祈禱室有13條走廊和8個架間,是阿爾及利亞最大的清真寺之一。

Egypt , morocco and algeria have their family law to allow mothers to pass on their citizenship 埃及、摩洛哥和阿爾及利亞已經修改了家庭法,以允許母親傳承其公民權。

The french were in algeria long enough to make the country not be like the fundamentalists 法國人在阿爾及利亞足夠長的時間使得國家看起來不象那些原教主義者了。

For an example of how things can go wrong at the letting - in stage , remember algeria in 1992 要找引入階段出問題的例子,就不能忘了1992年的阿爾及利亞。

Second , they were fighting an increasingly nasty little colonial war in algeria 其次,他們當時正在阿爾及利亞進行一場日益變得棘手的小型殖民地戰爭。