
alger n.阿爾杰〔姓氏〕。

“ it ' s not just me doing all this , “ alger stresses . “ so many have become involved . i couldn ' t do it alone . “所有這些,不是我一個人干得了的。 ”阿爾杰強調說, “有這么多人要來,我一個人肯定是不行的。 ”


Through faith we can begin to see that as humans we become emotionally healthy persons when we learn to accept ourselves and believe in ourselves . jim nicholson is a fraternity brother of mine in the horatio alger association . nicholson has just been appointed ambassador to rome by the president of the united states 我的家很貧窮,但他的家比我還要窮,因為我爸爸是個好工人,而他爸爸是個酗酒的人在這些農地上有很多空置的房子讓那些剛移居這兒的人能有棲身的地方,他就是在那兒成長。

Both of us have had the honor of being close friends in an organization called horatio alger and jack was elected to the board of this ministry many years ago , served his term and had to take a leave according to the bylaws . but jack brown leads the list of business men as far as integrity and reputation is concerned in my mind . he is the president , chairman , ceo of stater brothers grocery and even when he sat on our board of trustees 我認為布積克是一個具備職業操守的商界領導人,他是一連鎖雜貨店的行政總裁他可以分享過去在教堂當理事的經驗,因為教堂的成功有賴各位禱告和捐獻,還有一些現今最能干的人才,負責領導教堂委員會的運作,而布積克正是教堂多年來的財務委員主席。

Our ambassador there , a very dear friend , george argyros , invited the board of horatio alger association , to madrid for our annual meeting . another board member , one of my friends , had a new plane and invited me to fly with him , free . so i said yes and i flew to vancouver where we were to board his plane 上周六我應該身在馬德里,我們在當地的大使,一位很好的朋友艾喬治,他跟我同是董事會成員,他要求在馬德里舉行會議另一位董事,也是我的朋友,他買了一架新飛機,邀請我跟他一起飛,免費的,我就說:好。

A member of horatio alger organization , dr . linkletter has been a television and radio star for more than 60 years . he has performed in two of the longest running show in broadcast history , won two emmy awards , a grammy award , and has 10 honorary doctorate degrees 凌亞特博士是歐修拉艾吉爾組織成員,在電視廣播界工作超過六十年,主演過廣播史上兩大最長壽的節目,并奪得兩項艾美獎一項格林美獎十個榮譽博士。

Methods : 171 cases aged 4 14 years were treated with modified rectal suspension and strengtheningpelvic floor and the patch of ileal soromusculor alger with blood vesel pedicle to strengthen the detrusor of the bladder by cystectasyand cystoplasty 方法:對4 14歲171例神經源性尿失禁患兒,在改良的髂腰肌加強盆底肌、回腸去粘膜帶血管蒂漿肌層補片加強膀胱逼尿肌的基礎上,行膀胱擴大術和膀胱包裹術進行治療。

We would also like to express through you our gratitude to the administrative organizations , the airlines and all those who contributed physically and morally to this humanitarian work so that your donations could arrive quickly to assist in the emergency in alger 我們也想請您代為向航空公司行政部門與所有對這項人道工作提供協助的人員致上謝意,由于他們的鼎力相助,您所捐助的物品才能盡速地送達阿爾及爾。

And he s got such a wonderful , healthy personality because he s happily married . dr . yy wong is the first non - american to be nominated for the international horatio alger award , and , that means you had to start with nothing and really become something 他有很棒很健康的個性,因為他擁有很快樂的婚姻,也是第一個非美國人獲提名國際霍雷肖阿杰爾獎,這獎表揚那些從一無所有變得大有成就的人。

These items were an enormous comfort to those who benefited from them , considering that your aid was urgently sent to alger on monday june 2 and tuesday june 3 , and by june 3 it had already arrived and been distributed to the victims 在得知您所援助的物資是在6月2日星期一與6月3日星期二緊急寄出,并于同一天送達阿爾及爾且立刻分發給災民的訊息時,受惠的災民均感到極大的慰藉。

On june 4 , 2003 , i sent a letter expressing our deepest gratitude to you for your significant aid in donating 3571 family tents , 10 000 blankets and 194 jackets to benefit the victims of the disaster in boumerdes and alger 我曾于6月4日致函給您,對您捐贈3 , 571頂家庭用帳篷一萬條毛毯及194件夾克給布米爾達斯市與阿爾及爾中心災民的重大幫助,表達最深切的感激。

Horatio alger scholarships are not necessarily given to the best or the brightest students , but we look for those who have a dream and a goal , who want to accomplish something noble for society , but who have no resources at all 我們的獎學金并不是要給最佳學生或最聰明的人,而是希望把獎學金給那些有夢想目標,希望達成夢想,但卻沒有金錢的人。

In the spirit of jesus christ , we raise college scholarship money , and today horatio alger has the largest scholarship fund in the world to give to needy high school graduates 這組織是由諾曼皮爾創立的,它的教導沿自主耶穌,它有著主耶穌的精神,這組織籌集獎學金資助學生。

But i have an another problem . according to alger pike ' s explanation , i made my dialog bar . but every buttons on that bar don ' t work ! oopse . . . . what can i do 但我根據他的解釋,我生成了自己的對話框條,但上面的每個按鈕都不能正常工作!唉. . .我應該怎么做呢?

Head of the algerian red crescent society met with the iranian ambassador to algeria to discuss cooperation on a new red crescent clinic in algiers alger 阿爾及利亞紅新月會會長會見伊朗駐阿爾及利亞大使,討論在首都阿爾及爾合作建立紅新月診所。

For a german - born jew , it was a unique rise to power and fame even in a country where horatio algers abound 對一個德國出生的猶太人來說,這樣青云直上,又有實權又有盛名,即使是在一個霍雷肖?阿爾杰比比皆是的國家里,也是無與倫比的。

So harry rinker went his way and i went mine . he got richer and richer . would you believe that he was at the horatio alger scholarship meeting this past week 夏利是我在加州認識得最久的人,但他走他的路,我走我的。

“ it ' s not just me doing all this , “ alger stresses . “ so many have become involved . i couldn ' t do it alone . “所有這些,不是我一個人干得了的。 ”阿爾杰強調說, “有這么多人要來,我一個人肯定是不行的。 ”

Poverty . and that s good news . i m proud to belong to an organization called the horatio alger association 是主耶穌推動我去做這些事,因為他來是要讓你得生命,并且得的更