
algebraic adj.代數的,代數學(上)的。adv.-ically ...


This paper studies algebraic modeling of discrete time series 摘要主要研究離散時間序列上的代數模型。

New algorithm on finding roots of systems of nonlinear algebraic equations 非線性代數方程組求根新算法

Meromorphic solutions of some algebraic partial differential equations on cn 上一類偏微分方程的亞純解

The application of complex function in algebraic basic theory proof 復函數在代數基本定理證明中的應用

Nonnegative solutions of infinite dimensional discrete time algebraic riccati equations 方程的非負解

Algebraic expression manipulation statement 代數表示操作陳述

Evolving of algebraic conceptions and the teaching significance 代數學中有關概念的演進及其教學意義

Ordinary differential equations and the roots of the algebraic equations 常微分方程與代數方程求根

Some algebraic properties of the digraph 有向圖的一些代數性質

A characterizing theorem of algebraic l - domains 的一個刻畫定理

Altac algebraic translator and compiler 代數翻譯程序與編譯程序

Algebraic independence measures for the values of mahler type functions 型函數值的代數無關度量

Study on a class of cubic system with algebraic solutions 一類具有拋物線解的三次系統的定性研究

The research on multiplication algebraic arithmetic of sr - ct technique 技術乘型迭代算法的研究

An algebraic proof of completeness theorem of first - order logic 一階邏輯完備性定理的代數證明

Numerical solution of vandermonde system of linear algebraic equations 范德蒙方程組的數值解

Algebraic properties of steiner extension on a field 擴張的代數性質

The algebraic structure and deductive system of syntactic categories 理論的句法結構歧義消解

Distribution of the limits of algebraic connectivity of tree 樹的代數連通度的極限點的分布