
algebra n.代數學。


The good module category of monomial quasi - hereditary algebra 擬遺傳代數的好模范疇

Radicals and semisimple classes of the class of algebras 代數對象的根與半單類

The method to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra 代數基本定理的證明方法

Learning algebra is a little like learning another language 學代數有點像學外語。

Lipschitz - operator algebras on non - compact metric space 空間上算子代數的超自反性

Normal filters and prime filters of pseudo nm - algebras 代數的正規濾子與素濾子

Mom , do you have my algebra - - - i got it covered 媽媽,我的代數. . . -我搞定了

In algebra , we use letters to represent variables 代數中,我們用字母來代表變量。

The left idempotent elements of lattice implication algebras 格蘊涵代數的左冪等元

Classification and representation of kleene - stone algebras 代數的分類及其表示

He finally got the answer to the algebra problem 他終于算出了這道代數題的答案。

I need your help with , you know , algebra 我希望你幫我輔導一下,你知道的,代數。

Why study earth science or history or algebra 為什么要學自然科學,歷史和代數?

One of solvable central potential field in su algebra 求解一類有心場的定態問題

Some properties of symmetric self - dual lie algebra 對稱自對偶李代數的一些性質

A note on the axioms of lattice implication algebra 關于格蘊涵代數公理的一個注記

Some developments on symmetric self - dual lie algebras 對稱自對偶李代數研究進展

Inductive and deductive algebra and its forming rules 歸納推理代數及其規則形成

Weak global dimension of smash products of hopf algebras 代數的沖積的弱整體維數