
alga n.(pl. -gae ) 【植物;植物學】〔常 pl....

“ the dead alga is soft like a carpet , but difficult to cut , “ says diver giovanni lattanzi , who works without gloves because “ it improves your sensing ability . “這些死了的海藻像地毯一樣柔軟,但很難割掉, ”潛水員吉奧瓦尼?拉坦茲說。他工作時不戴手套,因為“這會增加你的敏感度” 。

“ iodine “ is contained in the alga in the ocean mainly , it is one of the essential elements of human body too “碘”主要蘊藏在海洋的藻類當中,也是人體必需的元素之一。


Contain salicylic acid , alga essence and special light radiating effect , powerfully shrink pores , tender skin ; remove fine lines and prevent wrinkles ; keep skin smooth and soft ; replenish nutrition and water , make skin tender and young 融合了水楊酸、海藻精華和和特殊散光物質,達到超強的毛孔收縮作用,令毛孔變平滑、使肌膚質地細膩;撫平已形成的細紋,防止皺紋的產生,使皮膚更顯柔滑平整;補充肌膚所需的營養和水分,令肌膚細嫩柔滑、青春煥發。

The ecological investigation is carried out during may in 6 lithofacies intertidal zones of yantai littoral regions . 21 species of red alga are found out the investigated regions , there exists the most species at yangma islet ( 11 species ) , while gravel intertidal zone at jingouzhai the poorest , only 3 species 摘要所調查的5月份煙臺海域6基巖潮間帶的紅藻群落由21種紅藻組成,養馬島的種類組成最為豐富( 11種) ,金溝寨最為貧乏,僅有3種。

The product is widely applied in industrial water disposal ( sterilization , alga killing , bleaching , and fading ) , hospital sewage disposal ( disinfection and killing bacteria ) and the pre - treatment of drinking water ( sterilization , killing bacteria , deodorization , and improving taste ) , etc 該產品廣泛用于工業用水處理(殺菌、滅藻、漂白、脫色) 、醫院污水處理(消毒、抑菌)以及生活飲用水的預處理(殺菌、抑菌、除臭、改善口感)等。

The northern qiangtang basin suonahu formation microfacies of carbonate rock is divided for the intraclast ash lithofacies , biological detritus ash lithofacies , oncolite limestone lithofacies , contain the calcium and alga ash lithofacies , marl lithofacies and pure microlite limestone lithofacies 羌北盆地嗩吶湖組碳酸鹽巖微相為內碎屑灰巖相、生物碎屑灰巖相、核形石灰巖相、含膏藻灰巖相、泥灰巖相和純微晶灰巖相等6種微相。

The technologies for producing the synthetic - carotene chemically and natural product based on c14 - aldehyde and vitamin a are introduced , including the method of extraction from natural plants , silkworm feces , salt alga and the method of microbe ferment 摘要綜述了-胡蘿卜素的生產方法,介紹了以c14醛為原料和以維生素a為原料的化學合成品生產方法和天然品的生產方法,包括從天然植物、蠶糞、鹽藻中提取和微生物發酵法。

Chlorella is one kind of sphere single cell fresh water green alga , it includes the rich protein , the vitamin , the mineral substance , food textile fiber , the nucleic acid and the chlorophyll and so on , it is the maintenance promotes our health essential nutrient 小球藻是一種球形單細胞淡水綠藻,它含有豐富的蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、食物纖維、核酸及葉綠素等,是維持促進我們健康所不可缺少的營養素。

There is the advent of the planktonic diatoms of poor nutrition type , sensitive crustaceans and of the protozoa of water clarifying property and hyd - rodictyon reticulatum which is a new type of green alga that has never been found in the polluted water in demonstration zone 示范區開始出現貧營養型浮游硅藻和敏感型甲殼動物以及清水型原生動物,水網藻等污染水體中從未采獲的新種綠藻也有發現。

There is abundant of alga in raw water from july to september every year , a great deal of alga usually cause filter - stopping , higher turbidity and chroma of effusion , increasing the chlorine consumption , endangering the security of drinking water 在每年的7 9月湖水處于高藻期,大量的藻類進入處理構筑物常常造成濾池阻塞、出水濁度與色度偏高、氯耗增加,危及人們的飲用水安全。

Green crab happy event is fed carrion , also prey alga , be in at the shallow sea of warm and low salinity habitat the river that has briny infiltration emerges channel depression yi ke lives for a long time , green crab is one of crab of important edible sea 青蟹喜食腐肉,也捕食藻類,棲息于暖和而低鹽度的淺海在有海水滲入的河涌溝洼亦可長期生活,青蟹為重要食用海蟹之一。

It was indicated from the experiments that : ozone can effectively oxidize organics , kill alga and disinfect ; and two - phases ozonization can accelerate the removal of contaminants in conventional treatment process and gac 試驗結果表明:在中試工藝中,臭氧具有很好的氧化、殺藻和消毒的作用;并且兩級臭氧氧化分別對常規處理單元和顆粒活性炭去除污染物具有一定的促進作用。

The arrangement of lido , cool water treatment frst stage to abate bacterium kill alga ( finish already ) , to add membrane pharmaceutical in advance in second stage ( already finish too ) , the company of lido will come to add stablizers tomorrow 按麗都的部署,冷卻水處理第一階段是殺細菌滅藻類(已完成) ,第二階段是添加預膜劑(也已完成) ,明天麗都公司來添加穩定劑。

A single - celled , fresh water alga , which has been estimated to be in existence for as long as two billion years , chlorella is roughly the size of a human blood corpuscle . a single cell is 6 1000 millimeters across 它是一種綠色單細胞球形藻類,直徑只有2 - 8 ,其大小與紅血球大致相同,肉眼看不出來,須以600倍顯微鏡才能看得見,是生長在淡水中的單細胞藻類。

The effects of slo on the growth and toxicity of a . tamarense under different ph and different salinities were studied , the result showed that f @ the alga grew wel1 at ph6 ~ 8 , and a salinity of 20 % , ~ 34 % , 不同ph 、不同鹽度條件下菌株s ; 。對atamarense生長和產毒的影響實驗結果表明:該藻株適宜生長叫為6 8 ,適宜鹽度為20 h4 。

Eutrophication water is a phenomena , which results from excess nutrition accumulation with nitrogen and phosphorus in water , leading to excess proliferation of alga , deteriorating water and disordering water function 水體富營養化是由于水體中氮、磷等營養物質大量積累而引起藻類過度增殖,導致水質惡化,水體功能失調的現象。

What are the biochemical reaction characteristics of marine algae during pathogenesis ? does the marine alga host have the similar biochemical defense compare with higher plants against pathogenic bacteria 海藻在受到病原菌感染情況下究竟會出現那些生物化學的響應特征,是否與高等植物相似會對于特定的病原菌進行化學防衛?

Efficacy : strong lavender and alga essence can well purify skin and control oil and spot . at the same time , it increases skin moisture , making skin get instant non - oily nourishing 功效:蘊含高濃度的薰衣草和海藻精華,能夠很好凈化肌膚,調理油脂和暗瘡;同時提高肌膚水分,令肌膚得到非油性的即時滋潤,令肌膚光滑、細膩。

The results show that uf is efficient for the removal of alga , microcystin and turbidity ; there is no obvious removal of fe , mn and normal removal for organic substance in the water by uf 結果表明,超濾對原水中的藻、藻毒素、濁度、細菌等有良好的截留效果,但對溶解性的有機物、 n 、鐵、錳等去除效果不佳。