alfresco adv.,adj.在戶外,戶外的。 dine alfre...
adv.,adj. 在戶外,戶外的。 dine alfresco 吃野餐。 an alfresco luncheon 野餐。 ★作副詞用時常分寫作 al fresco. “alfresco dining“ 中文翻譯: 戶外用餐; 露天用膳“alfredton“ 中文翻譯: 艾爾弗雷頓“alfreton“ 中文翻譯: 奧爾弗里頓“alfredsson“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗雷德松“alfrida“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗里達“alfredson“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗雷德松“alfridi erica“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗里迪“alfreds rubiks“ 中文翻譯: 盧比克斯“alfriend“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗林德“alfreds petrovich rubiks“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾弗雷茨彼得羅維奇魯比克斯
alga |
There will be upgraded hard and soft landscaping , foreshore improvements , redesigned street lighting , creation of open spaces for leisure purposes , outdoor activities and performances , provision of an alfresco dining area , installation of lighting and audio equipment for staging performances and outdoor activities in the piazza outside the hong kong cultural centre , etc . works will start in august 2004 for completion in 2006 主要工程包括興建園景建筑和栽種花木、改善前濱、重新設計街道照明,以及把部分空地辟作休憩公園、戶外表演活動場地和露天茶座,裝置供戶外表演及活動用的燈光及聲效設施等。改善工程將于二零零四年八月展開,二零零六年完成。 |
Macau is definitely a great place to look for good restaurants with different types of worldwide cuisine . new reclamation area near the statue of kun iam is renowned for itw wide range of culinary options including eureopean - style cafes , pubs and lounges , offering alfresco dining in a relaxed setting 鄰近觀音像一帶的新填海區,林立充滿歐陸風情的露天茶座餐廳及酒吧,提供各國特色美食,再加上每一條街道的特別名字如倫敦街巴黎街羅馬街位處其中大有置身異地之感。 |
Today , it s the most popular loose - tie , hair - down dining and entertainment area on hong kong island . the young and stylish flock to lan kwai fong to sample specialties from around the globe - middle eastern , italian , mexican , french and american to name but a few . many restaurants open onto the cobblestone streets , providing the luxury of alfresco dining 蘭桂坊是指德己立街與云咸街之間的l型地段,街道兩旁有逾40家餐廳和酒吧,供應各式國際美食,如:中東菜義大利菜墨西哥菜與法國菜等這里更是酒吧林立的夜生活重鎮,每當夜幕低垂,總是吸引許多時尚男女在此聚集。 |
Apart from the beautiful natural scenery , historical relics and modern developments , sai kung is also famous for the delicious food it provides . here you can taste seafood and diverse speciality dishes in various restaurants , and the pleasant alfresco atmosphere of many of the restaurants will surely increase your appetite 除了天然美景、歷史古跡和現代化發展外,西貢亦是知名的美食區,海鮮食肆和特色餐館林立,提供絕佳的露天進餐環境,令人胃口大開! |
This year , bfac will conduct in - depth reviews of land lease and planning procedures affecting the construction industry , and licensing regimes for food premises such as factory canteens and alfresco dining facilities , theme parks and family amusement centres 該委員會今年的重點工作,是對影響建筑業的土地契約及規劃程序進行更深入的檢討,研究如何改善食物業處所,例如工廠食堂和戶外食肆,以及主題公園及家庭娛樂中心等的發牌制度。 |
Its tin hau temple has an ancient skeleton of a whale . trails meander along hills and coastline , including a trail that links the villages of yung shue wan and sok kwu wan . there are fine bathing beaches and popular alfresco seafood restaurants 游人的足跡,還有很多海鮮酒家,進餐時可兼享山光水色沿碼頭前行不久,有一所歷史悠久的天后古廟,廟內的古老鯨骨,以及廟前的一對西式石獅子,中西合璧,值得一看。 |
Along stanley main street stand a mix of laid - back eateries that provide spectacular view and various styles of cuisine , from alfresco dining to oriental favourites . you may have a drink with your friends at an open - air cafe or enjoy a pleasurable meal along the coast 另外在赤柱市集的另一端是各有特色的餐廳集中地,除了富有歐陸風情的酒吧食肆外,亦有特色的主題餐廳,其中赤柱舊警署更已改裝成西餐廳。 |
Aroma cellars will rival five - star hotels in terms of design , capacity and variety . the white grapes and red grapes dining rooms are designed to old six round tables for celebrations and gatherings . the alfresco dining area is perfect for poolside parties 富麗堂皇的白葡萄宴會廳和紅葡萄宴會廳,可放6張宴會桌,戶外的天藍宴會區及葡萄香燒烤場,可讓住戶舉行大型池畔派對,凸顯住戶顯赫尊貴的地位。 |
This venue melds nostalgia with modern times . the verandah restaurant recreates the romance and colonial grandeur of the repulse bay hotel while the front lawn and the garden are ideal for alfresco parties , product launches or wedding parties 影灣園的露臺餐廳流露殖民地時代的華麗色彩,浪漫典雅而前園的草坪和花園,更是舉行露天派對產品發布會或婚宴的理想場地。 |
More pedestrianisation , alfresco dining , large scale culturalartssport venues , and tourist attractions , especially around the harbour , central areas and disneyland , should be provided for further tourism development 為進一步促進旅游業的發展,香港宜增設行人專用區、戶外進食地點、大型文化藝術運動場地及旅游點(尤其于海港、中心地帶及迪士尼主題公園一帶) 。 |
Within the district is the seaside town also called sai kung . its waterfront hoi pong square is popular for seafood dining . enjoy the peaceful waters and magnificent mountain scenery as you dine alfresco 西貢市中心海旁是著名的海鮮街,沿海開設了不少海鮮酒家,您可一邊品嘗豐富的海鮮餐,一邊欣賞山明水秀的景色,享受無以尚之。 |
By night , flaming torches set at the water s edge provide all the light you need for a unique alfresco dining experience . and do try to explore the seafood restaurants on the traffic - free outlying islands 您亦不妨遠離煩囂,乘船到外島,選一家海鮮餐館進餐,感受不一樣的小島風情,說不定會有額外驚喜呢! |
Pedestrian environment should be attractive , vibrant and with identity . suitable pedestrian areas could be used for a variety of activities such as outdoor performance and alfresco dining to promote vibrancy 辟設適當的行人專用區,可舉辦不同的活動(如戶外表演活動)和開設露天餐廳,使行人環境更添活力。 |
Outdoor activities are allowed upon application to increase attractiveness , for example , alfresco dining , street performance , and so on . the following traffic measures have been implemented since january 2002 為加部分時間行人專用街道的吸引力,準許于該區內舉辦戶外活動,例如戶外茶座及街頭表演等。 |
Nearby convenient amenities enable residents to relax at the attractive east coast park or to enjoy alfresco dining at the stadium waterfront ' s entertainment hub just a short stroll away 附近有方便的娛樂餐飲設施,居民們可以不用走遠就到迷人的東海岸公園休息放松,到水邊娛樂中心去享受露天餐飲。 |
They will be dotted with arts , recreational and entertainment plazas , landscaped areas as well as alfresco dining and leisure facilities for the enjoyment of tourists and residents 美化維多利亞港維港兩岸將開辟海濱長堤,增設文娛康樂廣場、花木種植區、露天茶座及休憩地點。 |
Here , dishes from around the globe , such as middle eastern , italian , mexican , french and the best seafood around , can be enjoyed in fine eateries , some offering cool alfresco dining 這些餐飲熱點提供各國特色美食,中東菜義大利菜墨西哥菜法國菜及海鮮美食等,應有盡有。 |
Recycling existing urban space in enhancing spatial and functional linkage conversion and modification of existing structures to become alfresco dining places , kiosks and covered walkway 改建原有市區用地,從空間和功能上改善了這片空地與周遭環境的聯系 |
For lunch , choose your own seafood from tanks and eat alfresco at a waterfront cafe . return to hong kong island via ferry . depart in the evening ,體驗不一樣的離島風情,中餐在露天的海濱餐廳選擇你喜愛的海鮮珍饈,傍晚渡船回香港島,晚上搭機離港。 |