
alfred n.阿爾弗雷德〔男子名〕。

This was the year elizabeth and alfred ( “biull“ )hunter had looked at each other and finally admitted . 說起來,那還是伊麗莎白和艾爾弗雷德(“比爾”)彼此打量并最后作出許諾的那年的事。

With the above quotation, alfred marshall opens his famous “principles of economics“ . 阿弗里德馬歇爾用上面所引的話開始了他的名著《經濟學原理》。


Alfred cheung kin - ting won the hong k . . 兩人共處一室,漸生情. .

Who are your favoite poets ? baudelaire and alfred de vigny 最喜歡的詩人呢?波德萊爾和德維尼。

Alfred : father , i have come to ask for your blessing 阿爾弗雷德:爸,我來是希望得到你的祝福。

Group discussion summaries : prof alfred chan 小組主持:陳章明教授

In his bed , alfred heard his mother in the kitchen 躺在床上,艾爾弗雷德聽到母親還在廚房里。

. . . was marred by the death of alfred lanning . . 的上市,受到了阿爾弗雷德蘭尼博士自殺的影響

- you ' re welcome . - and that ' s mr . alfred -不用謝-這位是阿佛雷德先生

You ' re welcome . - and that ' s mr . alfred 不用謝-這位是阿佛雷德先生

1969 max delbrck 1969 alfred day hershey 1969年馬克斯戴爾布魯克美國

Iittle alfred finally got what he wanted for christmas 小阿爾菲最后得到了他圣誕想要的東西

One thing bothers me . alfred was v . i . k . i . s prisoner 有件事我想不通阿佛列是維琪的囚犯

Was marred by the death of alfred lanning 由于朗寧博士的死而有所延遲

Mr . alfred : come back here , you stupid dog , you 回來,你這條蠢狗,你

And so young alfred got an early yuletide gift 所以年輕的阿爾菲得到了一份提前的圣誕禮物

Opal ' s been very responsible with the dog , mr . alfred 澳普對這條狗愛護有加,阿佛雷德先生

I will deliver you to them ! - no , alfred , please 我會送你去見他們!不,阿爾弗雷德,拜托

The nobel prize in physics 1983 : william alfred fowler 諾貝爾物理學獎-威廉阿爾弗雷德福勒