
alfalfa n.【植物;植物學】紫花苜蓿。

William henry davis “ alfalfa bill “ murray 威廉亨利戴維斯摩雷


Experiment of sowing time of purple alfalfa varieties in heilongjiang reclamation region 黑龍江墾區紫花苜蓿品種播期試驗

Production performance evaluation of chinese and australian alfalfa varieties in shandong province 在山東的生產性能評價

Soil moisture dynamic and root growth of alfalfa in weichang region 圍場地區紫花苜蓿土壤水分動態變化與根系分布狀況研究

Meditation on developmenting strategy for alfalfa industrialization in western area 西部地區苜蓿產業化發展的戰略思考

A simulation model for water uptake by alfalfa roots in the wulanbuhe sandy desert 烏蘭布和沙區紫花苜蓿根系吸水模型

Alfalfa in china - 2003 飼草王后-苜蓿中英文

Research progress and prospect on alfalfa growth simulation models worldwide 國內外紫花苜蓿生長模型研究進展與展望

The physiological and biochemical effects of alfalfa by low energy n implantation 注入對紫花苜蓿生理生化的影響

The prinary report of alfalfa introduction trial in alpine pasture of gannan 甘南高寒牧區紫花苜蓿引種試驗初報

Water consumption and water - consuming law of alfalfa in hexi corridor 河西地區紫花苜蓿的耗水量與耗水規律初探

Alfalfa and timothy hay are the main forages exported from canada 紫花苜蓿和梯牧草是加拿大出口的主要牧草。

Production environment database of alfalfa in yellow river delta 黃河三角洲地區苜蓿生產環境信息數據庫的建立

Semination techniques for alfalfa 紫花苜蓿的播種技術

Studies on the optimal ferment conditions for fermented green juice of alfalfa 苜蓿綠汁發酵液發酵條件研究

Effects of nacl stress on different sod isozymes of alfalfa 脅迫對不同苜蓿品種超氧化物歧化酶同工酶的影響

Weeds and weed control technology for alfalfa field in beijing area 北京地區大田苜蓿地雜草及其防治技術

Effects of cadmium on seed germination and growth of alfalfa 鎘對紫花苜蓿種子萌發與幼苗生長的影響研究

Drying and quality characteristics of different components of alfalfa 苜蓿不同部位干燥和質量特性研究