
alexis n.亞歷克西斯〔男子名〕。

French “ mathlete “ alexis lemaire showed off his rare mental agility thursday , breaking the world record kept by himself after working out in his head the 13th root of a random 200 - digit number in just 72 . 4 seconds 上周四,法國“數學天才”亞歷克西斯?勒麥爾展示了其罕見的心算本領,他以72 . 4秒心算出一個隨機抽取的200位數的13次方根,打破了由他本人保持的世界紀錄。


French “ mathlete ” alexis lemaire showed off his rare mental agility last thursday , breaking the world record kept by himself after working out in his head the 13throot of a random 200 - digitnumber in just 72 . 4seconds 上周四,法國“數學天才”亞歷克西斯?勒麥爾展示了其罕見的心算本領,他在72 . 4秒內心算出一個隨機抽取的200位數的13次方根,打破了由他本人保持的世界紀錄。

French “ mathlete “ alexis lemaire showed off his rare mental agility thursday , breaking the world record kept by himself after working out in his head the 13th root of a random 200 - digit number in just 72 . 4 seconds 上周四,法國“數學天才”亞歷克西斯?勒麥爾展示了其罕見的心算本領,他以72 . 4秒心算出一個隨機抽取的200位數的13次方根,打破了由他本人保持的世界紀錄。

President of wpo mr . alexis sent a message of congratulation , expressing the good wish that asian packaging center could become an international industry center 世界包裝組織主席埃利克斯昨天專門發來賀電,表示“希望亞洲包裝中心能建設成為世界性的產業中心” 。

Alexis de tocqueville regarded religion as the foremost of america ' s political institutions because it acted as a constraint on americans ' tendency towards extreme individualism 托克維爾認為宗教是美國最重要的政治機構,因為它是抑制美國極端個人主義的手段。

Americans too have remained much as alexis de tocqueville found them in the 19th century : “ so many lucky men , restless in the midst of abundance 美國人也還停留在類似阿雷克西?托克維爾在19世紀發現他們的那樣: ”這么多幸運的人,在豐盛的物質中躁動不安” 。

And it was his first major as a father , walking into the scoring room with wife elin holding their 2 - month - old daughter , sam alexis 這也是他第一次作為父親,和他的妻子艾琳,抱著他們兩個月大的女兒-薩姆.亞麗克西斯,一起走進記分室。

Lucy alexis liu is an early thirties chinese beauty and was born and raised in the italian neighbourhood of queens , new york 在幾年的大學生活中,她還兼修了表演舞蹈和聲樂等專業課程,算得上是一專多能。

Remote sensing aerosol with modis and the application of modis aerosol products ( li chengcai , mao jietai , alexis kai - hon lau ) 利用modis遙感大氣氣溶膠及氣溶膠產品的應用[李成才,毛節泰,劉啟漢]

Remote sensing aerosol with modis and the application of modis aerosol products li chengcai , mao jietai , alexis kai - hon lau 利用modis遙感大氣氣溶膠及氣溶膠產品的應用[李成才,毛節泰,劉啟漢]

Female artist bledel , alexis 女藝人艾麗絲布雷德爾

Nobel : medicine : alexis carrel 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎

1912 alexis carrel france usa 1913 charles robert richet france 1912年亞歷克西斯卡瑞爾法國美國

Alexis : are you a big coffee drinker 你是個很愛喝咖啡的人嗎?

Alexis : two smoking pipes … my son is your what 亞克西斯:二個煙斗…我的兒子是你什么