
alexipharmic adj.消毒的,解毒的。n.解毒劑。


Above all , ask you to loosen your mood , having liverish person is not active anger , because hepatic itself is an alexipharmic place , the alexipharmic function that has liverish person liver originally is poor , you enrage it all one ' s life more diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain was accumulated more , with respect to meeting discovery liver bilges gas is burning sad fierce , the alexipharmic burden of aggravating instead liver , this is why you often discover abdomen will be indistinct recently the feeling is painful , be just like a sewer , sewer inchoate moment very connect , slowly with long finish discovers dredge worse and worse , this is hepatic never disease changes to sick silt , want to maintain permanent dredge so , after that makes liver had trouble already namely , also want little be anxious , little life , consider some of happy issue more , such ability reduce the amount that accumulates more , what ability makes liver good is fast 首先,請你放松自己的心情,有肝病的人是不能動怒的,因為肝臟本身就是一個解毒場所,本來有肝病的人肝的解毒功能就差,你一生氣它就更肝氣愈積了,就會發現肝脹氣火辣辣的難過的厲害,反而加重肝臟的解毒負擔,這就是為什么你最近老發現肚子會隱隱約約感覺痛,就好比一個下水道,下水道剛開始的時候都很通的,慢慢的用久了卻發現疏通越來越差,這就是肝臟從沒病到有病的淤變,所以想保持永久的疏通,那就是既使肝有了毛病后也要少發愁,少生氣,多想些愉快的事情,這樣才能減少愈積的量,才能讓肝臟好的快。

Anyhow , the tableware that has used to phthisical patient and articles for daily use should take corresponding alexipharmic step , insist to disinfect , disinfect strictly , put an end to the transmission that infects a source , only such ability prevent the generation of new n / med tuberculosis patient 總之,對肺結核病人使用過的食具和生活用品要采取相應的消毒措施,堅持消毒,嚴格消毒,杜絕傳染源的傳播,只有這樣才能防止新的結核病人的產生。

In addition , should adopt minute of eat to make the tableware of transmission patient appropriative with avoiding enteron want to be washed apart , put apart , want to often be disinfected , general boil can achieve alexipharmic goal 20 minutes 此外,應該采取分餐制以避免消化道的傳播病人專用的食具要分開洗、分開放,并要經常消毒,一般煮沸20分鐘就可以達到消毒的目的。

When undertaking alexipharmic to contaminative birdhouse , must clean with eradicator first with defecate , solution of accept of second chloric acid disinfects reoccupy , use formalin and potassium permanganate fumigation finally 對污染的禽舍進行消毒時,必須先用去污劑清洗以除去污物,再用次氯酸納溶液消毒,最后用福爾馬林和高錳酸鉀熏蒸消毒。

The 3rd , into good hatch is done before brooding implement , hatch uses an egg dish , kind egg and give cheeper implement clean alexipharmic job 第三、入孵前做好孵化器、孵化用蛋盤、種蛋和出雛器的清洗消毒工作。

Make : harmonic numerous medicine property of a medicine , or the effect that cites drug , or alexipharmic , or add curative effect 使:調和眾藥藥性,或引藥的作用,或解毒,或增療效。

Do not spit everywhere , should phlegmy spit inside cuspidor , undertake alexipharmic next 不隨地吐痰,要把痰吐在痰盂內,然后進行消毒。