
alexandrite n.變色寶石〔日光下呈深綠色,燈光下呈深紅色〕。


Its tunable wave - region is over 100nm ( 701 812nm ) with the characteristics of simple manufacture and compact structure ; pulse with high energy can be obtained through q - switch for longer life ( 260us ) particles in upper level in this paper , tunable and q - switch mechanism and principle of working material alexandrite ( cr3 + : beal204 ) is firstly expatiated and analyzed . the experiment of tenability ( et ) and experiment of q - switch ( eq ) is proved feasible 該激光器波長在701 - 826nm之間,制作容易,結構緊湊;上能級粒子壽命長( 260 s ) 、調q容易得到大能量輸出本論文首先對激光工作物質?紫翠寶石( cr ~ ( 3 + ) : beal _ 2o _ 4 )的調諧與調q原理和機制進行了解釋與分析,確定了調諧與調q實驗的可行性。

Study on gemological characteristics of fluorite with alexandrite effect in fuping , hebei 河北阜平變色螢石的寶石學特征研究

Alexandrite laser is one of the superior tunable solid - lasers 紫翠寶石激光器是迄今為止較好的固體可調諧激光器之一。

Alexandrite laser crystals 激光晶體亞歷山大