
alexandrian adj.1.亞歷山大港 (Alexandria) 的。2...


So completely had the original greek writings disappeared from sight in the middle ages of europe that later centuries quite generally assumed that the arabians were originators of very much that they had acquired and transmitted from original greek and alexandrian writers through syrian and arabic translations 所具有如此很原始的希臘著述自歐洲中世紀視野里消失了以致后來世紀里一般都認為阿拉伯人是許多著述的創作者,多數著述自最初的希臘和亞歷山大作家通過敘利亞和阿拉伯譯文獲得和傳播。

Particularly was that true in the field of chemical knowledge , though modern research has made it clearer that the additions in that domain to the knowledge possessed by alexandrian writers of the third and fourth centuries are of very subordinate significance 尤其在化學知識領域更加真實,通過現代研究使得這一切更加清晰起來,由第三和第四世紀的亞歷山大作家擁有的知識領域的介入具有非常從屬的意義。

The beginning seems to have been the development of a secret cult of alexandrian mystics bound by oath never to reveal to the uninitiated the mysterious knowledge which they claimed to have 這開端似乎是亞歷山大大帝神秘主義神秘祭拜儀式的發展,亞歷山大大帝神秘主義受誓言的限制不再揭示他們聲稱具有的未經傳授的神秘知識。

Acts 28 : 11 and after it had been three months , we put out to sea in an alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island , with the twin sons of zeus for its figurehead 徒二八11過了三個月,我們上了一只亞力山大的船,這船以丟斯雙子為記,是在那島上過了冬的。

And after it had been three months , we put out to sea in an alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island , with the twin sons of zeus for its figurehead 11過了三個月,我們上了一只亞力山大的船,這船以丟斯雙子為記,是在那島上過了冬的。

At the end of three months we set sail on an alexandrian ship which had wintered at the island , and which had the twin brothers for its figurehead 徒28 : 11過了三個月、我們上了亞力山太的船、往前行這船以丟斯雙子為記、是在那海島過了冬的。

Acts 27 : 6 and there the centurion found an alexandrian ship sailing for italy , and he put us onto it 徒二七6在那?堙a百夫長找到一只亞力山大的船,要開往義大利去,便叫我們上了那船。

Acts 27 : 6 and there the centurion found an alexandrian ship sailing for italy , and he put us onto it 徒二七6在那里,百夫長找到一只亞力山大的船,要開往義大利去,便叫我們上了那船。

From gardnerian came alexandrian tradition and a host of other offshoots that today number in the hundreds 從加德列而來的亞歷山大傳統和今天總計數百的其它分支的主干。

And there the centurion found an alexandrian ship sailing for italy , and he put us onto it 6在那里,百夫長找到一只亞力山大的船,要開往義大利去,便叫我們上了那船。

6 there the centurion found an alexandrian ship sailing for italy and put us on board 6在那里,百夫長遇見一只亞力山大的船,要往義大利去,便叫我們上了那船。

Late in the alexandrian period , pappus ' additions to geometry came as a sort of anticlimax 在亞歷山大里亞晚期出現的pappus對幾何學的工作是高潮后的一種低潮。

It was an alexandrian ship with the figurehead of the twin gods castor and pollux 這船以丟斯雙子為記,是在那海島過了冬的。

Ancient egypt and alexandrian museums 古埃及亞歷山大博物館

On the alexandrian school of science 論亞歷山大里亞科學學派

There is no one individual whose work epitomizes the character of the alexandrian age as well as archimedes . 若要拿一個人的工作成就來代表亞歷山大在他那個時期的數學特性,誰也不能比阿基米德更合適了。

Late in the alexandrian period, pappus' additions to geometry came as a sort of anticlimax . 在亞歷山大里亞晚期出現的Pappus對幾何學的工作是高潮后的一種低潮。

These three were the permanent elements of the alexandrian blend . 這三者是亞歷山大城的混合體的三個永久的成分。