
alexandria n.亞歷山大〔埃及港市〕。

Instead of a musician , she credits “ the alexandria quartet , “ a series of four novels by british author lawrence durrell , as the main influence behind the record 她沒有稱贊那位樂師,而認為是亞歷山大四重奏? ?英國作家勞倫斯?德雷爾所作的4篇系列小說為本專輯的靈感來源。


Instead of a musician , she credits “ the alexandria quartet , “ a series of four novels by british author lawrence durrell , as the main influence behind the record 她沒有稱贊那位樂師,而認為是亞歷山大四重奏? ?英國作家勞倫斯?德雷爾所作的4篇系列小說為本專輯的靈感來源。

Surveillance units followed the businessman to a meeting at a desert road outside alexandria where they also found the head of the customs authority and his son 跟蹤隊跟蹤這名商人至阿歷山大港外,發現他在一條荒僻的道路上與其他人會面,其中包括海關關長及其兒子。

R : alexandria , i know everyone will burning some food , but these will everybody ’ s favorite . come on ! let ’ s put them in another . what temperature ? alexandria , 我知道每個人都會做些好吃的,但是這個保準是他們最喜歡的!快,我們弄下一個!要多大的火候?

They are about 5 miles off the north coast of egypt , near the port city of alexandria , and run between egypt and palermo , on the italian island of sicily 它們離埃及北海岸約5英里遠處,靠近海港市亞歷山大市,連接埃及和意大利西西里島上的巴勒莫市。

Acts 18 : 24 and a certain jew named apollos , a native of alexandria , an eloquent man , arrived at ephesus , and he was powerful in the scriptures 徒十八24有一個猶太人名叫亞波羅,來到以弗所;他按籍貫是亞力山大人,是個有口才的人,在圣經上很有能力。

Meanwhile a jew named apollos , a native of alexandria , came to ephesus . he was a learned man , with a thorough knowledge of the scriptures 有一個猶太人,名叫41亞波羅,來到以弗所。他生在亞力山太,是有學問的,最能講解圣經( “學問”或作“口才” ) 。

24 meanwhile a jew named apollos , a native of alexandria , came to ephesus . he was a learned man , with a thorough knowledge of the scriptures 24有一個猶太人,名叫亞波羅,來到以弗所。他生在亞力山大,是有學問(或作:口才)的,最能講解圣經。

It was at alexandria , through an embassy attache whom i had occasionally seen at marguerite s , that i learnt about the poor girl s illness 在亞歷山大,我從一個我曾在瑪格麗特家里見過幾面的大使館隨員那里,知道了這個可憐的姑娘的病況。

And after three months we went to sea in a ship of alexandria sailing under the sign of the dioscuri , which had been at the island for the winter 過了三個月、我們上了亞力山太的船、往前行這船以丟斯雙子為記、是在那海島過了冬的。

In alexandra in ( alexandria , ) virginia , the 2000 students sat ( at ) tc williams high school , started classes last month in the ( a ) new building 在弗吉尼亞亞歷山大, t . c .威廉姆斯高中的2000名學生上個月開始在一幢新的教學樓內上課。

That is how euclid did things in alexandria two millennia ago , and his treatise on geometry is the classical model for mathematical exposition 這就是2000多年前歐基里得在亞歷山卓城的研究方式,他的幾何大作是數學著作的經典模? 。

And a certain jew named apollos , born at alexandria , an eloquent man , and mighty in the scriptures , came to ephesus 24有一個猶太人,名叫亞波羅,來到以弗所。他生在亞力山太,是有學問的,最能講解圣經。 (學問或作口才) 。

In 1994 , 75 people became charter members in alexandria , virginia . iaf conference 2000 in toronto brought together more than 1 , 100 participants 1994年七十五位創始會員在維吉尼亞的亞歷山卓,創立了國際引導者協會。

And after three months we departed in a ship of alexandria , which had wintered in the isle , whose sign was castor and pollux 11過了三個月,我們上了亞力山太的船,往前行。這船以宙斯雙子為記,是在海島過了冬的。

And after three months we departed in a ship of alexandria , which had wintered in the isle , whose sign was castor and pollux 過了三個月,我們上了一艘亞歷山太來的船。這船在島上過冬,船的名字是“宙斯雙子” 。

On july 26th 1956 gamal abdul nasser , president of egypt , addressed a huge crowd in the city of alexandria 1956年7月26日,埃及總統加麥爾?阿卜杜勒?納賽爾在亞歷山大港對巨大的人群發表了一個演說。

I especially remember the segment on the library of alexandria and how its destruction held back science for centuries 我尤其記得亞歷山大圖書館的那一段,它是如何被毀滅并使科學倒退了幾個世紀。

And there the centurion found a ship of alexandria sailing into italy ; and he put us therein 徒27 : 6在那里百夫長遇見一只亞力山太的船、要往義大利去、便叫我們上了那船。