
alexandra n.亞歷山德拉〔女子名〕。

“ good - night , alexandra , “ she called back in a strained voice , running down the gravel walk “晚安,亞歷山德拉, ”她扭回頭用極不自然的聲調說,順著礫石路跑去。

He reflected hopefully and inconsistently , “ alexandra isn ' t much like other womenfolks . 他滿懷希望而又惴惴不安地回答道, “亞歷山德拉可不象其他的女人。 ”

“oh, it was my fault!“ said alexandra eagerly . “哦,這全怪我”亞歷山德拉熱情地回答。


They always remain flying in the air . you can read the books of madame alexandra david - neel about this 你們可以看看亞歷珊卓大衛尼爾女士所寫的書,這些事都是真的。

Robbie : i know . but i promise you , alexandra , the dog is just fine . they ' re very kind to theanimals 我知道。但是我向你保證,那條狗會很好的。他們照料動物很細心。

“ good - night , alexandra , “ she called back in a strained voice , running down the gravel walk “晚安,亞歷山德拉, ”她扭回頭用極不自然的聲調說,順著礫石路跑去。

First ferry and first ferry macau - princess alexandra red cross residential school cheque presentation ceremony 新渡輪新渡輪澳門-雅麗珊郡主紅十字會學校

He reflected hopefully and inconsistently , “ alexandra isn ' t much like other womenfolks . 他滿懷希望而又惴惴不安地回答道, “亞歷山德拉可不象其他的女人。 ”

Princess alexandra hospital ( along with the mater ) is where many people in brisbane were born 亞歷山大公主醫院和梅特爾醫院是許多布里斯班人的出生地。

A palgrave murphy boat was put off the ways at alexandra basin , the only launch that year 果不其然,港口比比皆是,遺憾的是入港的船卻一艘也沒有。

Alexandra : no , thanks . the train is just up the street . it won ' t take me long at all 不用了,謝謝。地鐵車就在街的那一頭,用不了花很長時間的。

First ferry and first ferry macau - princess alexandra red cross residential school 新渡輪新渡輪澳門-雅麗珊郡主紅十字會學校

Alexandra mckenzie , press and public affairs section , british embassy beijing 英國駐華大使館新聞與公共事務處alexandra mckenzie

Alexandra : thanks , no . i do have to go . it was nice meeting you all 謝謝,不用了。我真的得走了。很高興見到你們一家人。

Alexandra : yes . i know i must seem silly . it ' s not like i have nobody 是的,我知道我看起來很可笑。我身邊并非沒有親人。

Oc alexandra fire station 亞歷山大消防局局長

Hello , alexandra , it ' s me - 你好,亞歷山德拉是我

Female artist paul , alexandra 女藝人嘉西杜拉布羅

Female artist rapaport , alexandra 女藝人雅麗珊拉芭波