
alexander Alexander , the Great 亞歷山大大帝...

Leyland b45 “ olympian “ , 9 . 5m , alexander body 利蘭奧林匹克9 . 5米亞歷山大車身bl


Alexander , alexander found you the right girl 亞歷山大,亞歷山大找到你的女孩了嗎?

Nobel : medicine : sir alexander fleming 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎-亞歷山大弗萊明

Alexander the great invaded india with a large army 亞歷山大大帝曾率領大軍入侵印度

Who is this woman you call your queen alexander 這個你稱為王后的女人是誰亞歷山大?

Model : dennis trident alexander alx 500 bodied 型號:丹尼士三叉戟亞歷山大型

Never easy to escape our mothers alexander , 擺脫母親的控制絕不是件容易的事亞歷山大

It ' s a temple built by alexander the great 這個神殿,是亞歷山大大帝建造的。

Alexander graham bell is the inventor of the telephone 貝爾是電話的發明者。

The nobel prize in economics : james alexander mirrlees 諾貝爾經濟學獎-詹姆斯莫里斯

That love eluded alexander as much if not more , 對亞歷山大來說,愛和世界盡頭

It was said later that alexander was never defeated 后來有人說,亞歷山大從來沒敗過

. . . a direct descendant of alexander corvinus . . . .亞歷山大.考文拉斯的直系后代

Alexander , i know you think me a stiff old sog , 亞歷山大我知道你覺得我是個老頑固

Alexander , alexander my father is lost , 亞歷山大,亞歷山大,我父親快頂不住了

The nobel prize in economics : herbert alexander simon 諾貝爾經濟學獎-赫泊特亞西蒙

In the spring , alexander marched an army of 150 , 000 , 春天,亞歷山大率領十五萬大軍

Tell me about your contact alexander dolzhenko 說說你的聯系人亞歷山大?朵讓科

Seems you already made up your mind alexander 看來你已經下定決心了,亞歷山大