
alex n.亞歷克斯〔男子名, Alexander 的昵稱〕。

[ alex ] “ there is no salvation outside the church . 不能為非教會人員提供救贖!

“of course“ she isn't married; said scarlett amused. “maybe it would be better if she had,“ said alex gloomily . “當然她沒有跟人結婚啊。”思嘉莉特覺得很有趣地說。“她跟人家結了婚倒好啊”,亞歷克斯憂郁地說。

Alex wondered if other directors found it hard, as he did, to think of social causes as “inappropriate“ to a church . 亞歷克斯想知道其他董事是否和自己有同感,社會公益竟然同教會“不相容”,這實在令人不解。

Alex sat up straight. “you're up to something, bracken! i know it. now tell me what it is. “ 亞歷克斯坐直身子。“布雷肯,你在玩什么花樣吧?你瞞不過我的。還是對我實說了吧。”

Alex vandervoort observed, “ben, we're all upset. i'm especially sorry for something i said earlier. “ 亞歷克斯范德沃特說:“班,我們都很難受。我特別為我剛才說的話難過。”


Sorry . - what kind of milk you drinking , alex 對不起. -你喝了什么牛奶,亞力克斯

So , alex , what ' s the limit on the festival again 艾莉絲,再過來校慶有什么限制嗎

It ' s not immortality , alex . you will grow weary 不朽沒什么用,你終會覺得厭煩。

It ' s an expression ofher individuality . and , alex 那是她個性的表現,還有,艾莉絲

We ' ll talk about last night later - - alex . …以后再和你談談昨晚的事” ?亞歷克斯

Look , i ' ll tell you what you ' re supposed to do , alex 我告訴你該怎么做,亞歷克斯

Okay , guys , can you give me and alex a second 各位,能容我和亞歷克斯講兩句嗎?

She has granted to alex permissions on the view 她已經授予alex對該視圖的權限。

No walking away , alex . take mara and run 不是走開,亞力克斯。帶上瑪拉,跑吧,

Alex fletcher : oh , you look angry . click your pen 哦,你生氣了。按掉了你的筆。

Singer name : movie soundtrack justin lo alex fong 藝人名稱:呂良偉趙文卓關詠荷

We haven ' t really - - is that alex carlson 我們還沒有. . .那是亞歷克斯?卡爾松嗎?

Featuring alex fong s 16 new songs and collection 收錄方力申全新及精選歌曲16首

Alex , you didn ' t go and get him killed , now , did you Alex ,你不是去把他殺了吧