
aleutian adj.1.阿留申群島的。2.阿留申群島人的。n.1.阿...

According to seattle oceanographer curtis ebbesmeyer , who is cataloging nike beachings in washington state , the aquatic parade of shoes should continue to land along the british columbia coast in canada and meander to alaska ' s aleutian islands since they abandoned ship near mendocino , california 他說,因為這些鞋是在加利福尼亞附近的門多西諾角“棄船而逃“的,所以這一漂流大軍還可能繼續前往加拿大的不列顛哥倫比亞省海岸及阿拉斯加的阿留申群島。英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net

If memory serves , last year when one of our navy patrol aircraft crashed off the aleutians , one of your fishing vessels ” it had been an intelligence trawler “ picked up the crew , saved their lives 要是我沒有記錯的話,去年,我們的一架海軍巡邏飛機在阿留申群島外出了事,你們的一艘漁輪“ - -那是一艘搜集情報的拖網漁船- - “打撈起了機上的人員,救了他們的命。

The ssp is working to improve shipping safety along primary north pacific cargo shipping routes , in particular along the “ great circle route “ through the aleutian islands / southern bering sea Ssp的工作將為提高沿北太平洋貨運航線,特別是穿越阿留申群島和白令海的環太平洋航線上的泄漏安全而努力。


On base of results above , composite model of ssta in pacific and circulation anomaly are constructed for analysis their evolution . during mature phase of el nino usually in winter , positive ssta dominates in tropical eastern ocean and negative ssta dominates in west wind drift district in mid - latitude ocean , correspondingly the pna index of 500 hpa geopotential height is positive which means the aleutian low gets strong , and the situation is somewhat inversely during la nina phase of ssta 合成位相反映了太平洋ssta演變特征,以及相對應的大氣環流異常特征:當西風漂流區處于暖態而熱帶中東太平洋海溫偏低時,合成大氣模型當中阿留申低壓減弱, 500hpapna指數為負異常;當西風漂流區處于冷態,熱帶中東太平洋處于暖態( elnino峰值?成熟期ssta典型分布) ,合成大氣模型中阿留申低壓加強, 500hpapna指數為正異常。

According to seattle oceanographer curtis ebbesmeyer , who is cataloging nike beachings in washington state , the aquatic parade of shoes should continue to land along the british columbia coast in canada and meander to alaska ' s aleutian islands since they abandoned ship near mendocino , california 他說,因為這些鞋是在加利福尼亞附近的門多西諾角“棄船而逃“的,所以這一漂流大軍還可能繼續前往加拿大的不列顛哥倫比亞省海岸及阿拉斯加的阿留申群島。英語新聞學習http : news . jewelove . net

The different distributions of surface level pressure , wind ( 10 meter ) and surface air temperature before and after the regime shift indicate that the increase of aleutian low , position change of its core , and the change of wind field in accordance , especially during the winter months , are the major dynamic reasons for the significant reduction of ice extent in bering sea 結果表明: 20世紀70年代后期,海冰范圍在白令海存在顯著的均值突變現象,而楚科奇海在對應階段則表現為更明顯的變頻現象;在突變點前后兩個時段里,阿留申低壓中心低壓加強、核心位置偏移以及對應風場分布的變化是導致白令海海冰范圍明顯縮小的主要動力原因。

Choices are : eastern , central , mountain , pacific , alaska , hawaii , aleutian , arizona east - indiana , indiana - starke , michigan , samoa , other base - config tzconfig choose country zone us select eastern if you told it you re in canada 請參考usr share zoneinf中的選項base - config tzconfig preseed zone string us eastern時區的預先設置曾經很復雜,舊的設定方式將完整描述于下文,如果您正在使用sarge ,您需要下面的方法。

If memory serves , last year when one of our navy patrol aircraft crashed off the aleutians , one of your fishing vessels ” it had been an intelligence trawler “ picked up the crew , saved their lives 要是我沒有記錯的話,去年,我們的一架海軍巡邏飛機在阿留申群島外出了事,你們的一艘漁輪“ - -那是一艘搜集情報的拖網漁船- - “打撈起了機上的人員,救了他們的命。

An estimated 3 , 100 large vessels thread between the islands each year on their way west , and a similar number travel the eastward route across the north pacific just south of the aleutians 據估計,每年西行的船只中,有3100艘會在各個島嶼間穿梭,還有差不多數目的船只穿過北太平洋(距阿留申群島也不遠) ,向東面航行。

Improved spill response capability along the aleutian route - booms , lightering capability , skimmers , pumps , barges / bladders , training / contracting of local residents in spill response , etc 增強沿阿留申群島航行的船只的泄漏安全性,包括設置拖運駁船,對當地人進行培訓,以便在泄漏發生時能迅速作出反應。

The ssp is working to improve shipping safety along primary north pacific cargo shipping routes , in particular along the “ great circle route “ through the aleutian islands / southern bering sea Ssp的工作將為提高沿北太平洋貨運航線,特別是穿越阿留申群島和白令海的環太平洋航線上的泄漏安全而努力。

Vessels over 300 gross tonnes must carry automatic identification system ( ais ) transmitters , but the two ais receivers in the aleutians only cover about 10 % of the islands 盡管毛重超過300噸的船只必須攜帶自動識別系統( ais )發射器,但阿留申群島上僅有的兩個接受器只能覆蓋島嶼的10 。

As the waves from the aleutian earthquake hit the hawaiian islands , they were driven ashore in a few places as a rapidly moving wall of water up to 6 meters high 當由阿留申群島地震引起的波浪到達夏威夷群島時,這些波浪在幾處地方形成了最高可達6米高的快速移動的水墻沖上海岸。

The 654 - foot ship rolled onto its side south of the aleutian islands , forcing a dramatic helicopter rescue of the crew last night 昨晚該長達654英尺的輪船迅速駛向阿留申群島南側,迫使(海岸巡邏隊)采取較大規模的直升機援救行動。

The reason so many large vessels meet unhappy ends in the aleutians has to do with the geography of international shipping 如此之眾的船只在阿留申群島遭遇不幸,究其原因,應該與國際海運的地理地形不無關系。

Requirement / request that all vessels transiting the aleutian route subscribe to / participate in the vessel tracking / monitoring system 這要求所有的船只將自己的航行路線都要告之這一系統。

Investigate legislative options to improve spill prevention / response capability along the aleutian route 及以立法的方式加強這些船只本身的泄露安全性。

April 1 , 1946 , the aleutian islands to the waters of the tsunami , waves 35 meters 1946年4月1日,阿留申群島海域發生海嘯,浪高35米。

Protocol of counter immunoelectrophoresis for mink aleutian disease 水貂阿留申病對流免疫電泳操作規程