
aleurone n.【化學】糊粉。adj.-ronic


Aleurone grain ( aleurone body ) a modified vacuole found in the embryo and endosperm of seeds and containing mostly reserve proteins , but also phytic acid and various enzymes associated with mobilization ( digestion ) of these reserves 糊粉粒(糊粉體) :在種子胚或胚乳中發現的經過修飾的液泡,里面包含許多儲藏蛋白,植酸和各種各樣的酶。

At germination , the embryo produces gibberellin , which stimulates the aleurone layer to synthesize enzymes , especially amylase 在種子萌發過程中,胚產生赤霉素,赤霉素可以刺激糊粉層合成一些酶特別是淀粉酶。

Aleurone layer the outermost proteinrich layer of the endosperm of grass fruits ( e . g . cereal grains ) 糊粉層:在谷類種子胚乳最外面的一層或幾層細胞,含有大量的糊粉粒。

The enzymes are synthesized from the amino acids supplied by breakdown of aleurone grains 酶是由糊粉粒分解后產生的氨基酸所合成的。

These enzymes are synthesized at the expense of reserve proteins mobilized in the aleurone vacuoles . 這些酶是消耗糊粉液泡中被動用的貯藏蛋白合成的。

Metabolic activity quickly develops in the cells of the embryo and the aleurone layer . 胚細胞和糊粉層中的代謝活性立即活躍起來。

Many genes are involved in the formation of anthocyanin pigments in the aleurone . 糊粉層中花青素的形成涉及到許多基因。

The aleurone grains of ungerminated seeds contain hydrolases . 未萌發種子的糊粉粒含有水解酶。