
alert adj.1.警惕的,警覺的。2.機警的,機靈的。n.1....

“of course, that alerted me instantly,“ dr. heissen confided to mox . “當然,這使我立刻警惕起來,”海森醫生向馬克斯吐露說。

“what are you leading up to?“ collins asked, more alert now . “您要談什么呢?”柯林斯問,現在他更加警覺起來。


The alert reader will notice that all of the above features are essentially standard for all fdc's . 細心的讀者將會注意到,對于所有的FDC來說,上述所有特點基本上都是標準的。

A battalion of combat-hardened public-relations officers stood on red alert twenty-four hours a day . 一營久經戰陣的新聞發布官也接到命令,二十四小時都處于緊急戒備狀態。

When enough cholesterol has been made, a sensing mechanism alerts the cell to turn off this enzyme . 當制造的膽固醇夠用了,有個自動檢測機制就告訴細胞將這個酶關掉。

There we found two sets of double tanks waiting for us, lowered by our alert shipmates . 在那里找到了兩套專為我們準備的復式空氣桶,這是我們機靈的同船水手放下來的。

Designers and contractors should be alert to constant innovations in bridge design and construction methods . 設計者和承包商們要注意橋梁設計和施工方法的不斷革新。

For the time being in the interest of national safety we are declaring a state of yellow alert . 目前為了國家安全起見,我們宣布全國處于空襲預備警報狀態。

An alert pharmacist will save a doctor from his own mistake by querying a prescription . 警惕性很高的藥劑師對處方提出疑問而避免了醫生的錯誤。

The police throughout the district were alerted as it was known that the prisoner had escaped . 全地區的警察一得知囚犯已逃跑,立刻警戒起來。

The operator is alerted to this situation by blinking front-panel indicators . 面板上的指示器將出現閃光,對操作者發出出現這種情況的警告。

He thought of the patrol, and the quick fear it roused made him alert again . 他想起了這趟偵察任務,頓時感到不寒而栗,頭腦也清醒了過來。

However, it is not so simple as fish making you smart or liver keeping you alert . 然而這可不像吃魚能使你伶俐,吃肝能使你機靈那樣簡單。

Such things, however, never altered edgar snow's alert hard working nature . 但是,這些東西并沒有改變埃德加斯諾敏捷刻苦的工作態度。

One should be alert to involvement of other organ systems in diagnosing these entities . 診斷這些疾病時,應警惕其它器官系統受到連累。

Confused as catherine was, her wits were alert at applying our conversation . 凱瑟琳雖然心亂,她的頭腦還是很靈敏地注意我們的談話。

Her face was alert and lively, with a sharp chin and shrewd little eyes . 她的面孔顯得機警而生氣勃勃,下巴尖尖的,眼睛小而機靈。

To keep joe out of trouble, i am constantly alert for any deviation from normal . 為了使喬免遭麻煩,我時刻警惕著任何異常情況。

“of course, that alerted me instantly,“ dr. heissen confided to mox . “當然,這使我立刻警惕起來,”海森醫生向馬克斯吐露說。