
alembic n.1.蒸餾器,(古代煉金術士用的)升華鍋。2.任何起凈...


The meat of them has been transmuted in the alembic of martin eden s mind and poured into the shame of the sun , and one day martin eden will be famous , and not the least of his fame will rest upon that work 那些書的精華已經被馬丁伊登提煉吸收,注入了太陽的恥辱。有一天馬丁伊甸會成名,而那部著作對他的名氣的作用決不會小。

Have you really measured the world by scrutinies , or through alembics and crucibles 那么,這是否因為您是從蒸餾器和坩堝上來研究人類的呢?

Small batch vodka alembic distilled from local grain and the spring water 這種限量伏特加采用當地的谷物和泉水釀造。

Range of alembic distilled vodkas made entirely from midwest grain 這中伏特加采用美國中西部的谷物釀造。