
aleck n.亞歷克〔男子名, Alexander 的昵稱〕。

“ that settles it ! “ said sally , rubbing his hands with delight . “ and it will be the very first in america . aleck , it will make newport sick . “一言為定! ”薩利一邊說,一邊高興得摩拳擦掌, “這在美國可是頭一份啊。艾萊柯,這場婚禮非讓新港那兒的人都得了紅眼病不可。 ”


Hung is a street - wise smart aleck and mak is his dumb sidekick . they are partners , mostly in unlawful jobs . one night , the two are spotted by zaza in 文件速遞員tempo ,與好友大只賓,肥佬祥及抽水強于某天晚上在酒廊兼職夾band時巧遇亞may ,五人十分投契, tempo跟亞may更互生情愫

“ that settles it ! “ said sally , rubbing his hands with delight . “ and it will be the very first in america . aleck , it will make newport sick . “一言為定! ”薩利一邊說,一邊高興得摩拳擦掌, “這在美國可是頭一份啊。艾萊柯,這場婚禮非讓新港那兒的人都得了紅眼病不可。 ”

Hung is a street - wise smart aleck and mak is his dumb sidekick . they are partners , mostly in unlawful jobs . one night , the two are spotted by zaza in the middle of a heist 數月后,三人出獄,因犯事又被拉上差館,警署內遇上榮仔張國榮,兩人結下仇怨

When the king saw how disrespectful the ape was , he ordered general yang to go shoot down that smart aleck ape 國王看到猿猴如此放肆,他命令楊將軍去把自作聰明的猿猴射下來。

Aleck , it ' s been a long wait , and full of heartbreak and hope deferred , but god knows i am happy now 艾萊柯,咱們漫長的等待旅途既有傷心,也有希望,上蒼有眼,我現在真高興。

For example , aleck had a small figure and he was too feeble to practice fencing 比如,亞力克的體形很小并因為太虛弱而不能練習擊劍。

One night , aleck fed in the password and then operated the networking computer 一天晚上,亞力克輸入計算機密碼然后操作聯網計算機。

Aleck took a ferry to escape 亞力克乘著渡船逃離了。

At first aleck enjoyed the fellowship of his classmates 起先亞力克很喜歡與同學們的伙伴關系。

Aleck went to a local federal college 亞力克上了當地的聯邦大學。

Don ' t smart - aleck me , miss . i know it ' s a pregnancy test 別扯沒用的,小姐。我知道這是驗孕棒

Not a smart aleck . just cautious 沒有以為自己聰明,只是有點謹慎。

Bob likes to give smart - aleck answers 鮑勃喜歡作出自作聰明的回答。

Aleck belonged to a fellowship of revenge 亞力克屬于一個報仇團體。

Even aleck ' s man - made fiber coat caught fire 甚至亞力克的人造纖維外衣也著了火。

Aleck saw how true the words were, and their influence was electric . 愛勒克看出了這多么有理,于是這番話便產生了電流一般的作用。

The little newspaper which aleck had subscribed for was a thursday sheet . 愛勒克訂閱的那份小報是逢星期四出版的周刊。

Aleck went with the diplomats . 阿歷克和外交官們在一起。