
alec n.亞歷克〔男子名, Alexander 的昵稱〕。

“ so this would be sir alec ' s then ? “ ewan asks . “ beautiful . “那么這會是亞力克爵士的那一把? ”伊萬問, “好極了。 ”


Influences of alec on ecog and apoptosis of hippocampus neural cells in rat brain ischemia 亞力克對大鼠定量腦電圖及海馬神經細胞的影響

Alec su pictures 蘇有朋圖片

Alec su s homepage 蘇有朋首頁

Alec must have drunk an awful lot . he is lying on his bed , dead to the world 亞歷克一定是太貪杯了,他現在躺在床上睡得像死人一樣。

Male artist so , alec 男藝人蘇有朋

View alec su s biography 蘇有朋圖片

Artist name : so , alec 藝人名稱:蘇有朋

Male artist newman , alec 男藝人阿歷紐曼

The west indian climate is . the most equable in the world ( alec waugh 西印度群島的氣候是…世界上最穩定的(艾里克?沃) 。

Male artist baldwin , alec 男藝人艾力寶云

She begged him to slow the animal to a walk , which alec accordingly did 她請他讓馬慢下來,改跑為走,亞歷克照著辦了。

Alec d urberville removed his cigar , bent towards her , and said - 亞歷克德貝維爾把雪茄煙從嘴上拿下來,向她彎下腰去,說

Interview with mr alec tsui 徐耀華先生專訪

Artist name : newman , alec 藝人名稱:阿歷紐曼

Alec thinks he would be better off if he moved to another company 亞歷克以為要是他轉到另一家公司的話,他會更富裕。

It is i - alec d urberville 他又喊了一遍。

Artist name : baldwin , alec 藝人名稱:艾力寶云

“ so this would be sir alec ' s then ? “ ewan asks . “ beautiful . “那么這會是亞力克爵士的那一把? ”伊萬問, “好極了。 ”