
ale n.1.(淡色)濃啤酒。2.鄉下啤酒節。短語和例子★al...

“ as you please ; but i ' ll have a draught of ale first . “隨你的便,我要先喝口酒再說。 ”

“as you please; but i'll have a draught of ale first. “ “隨你的便,我要先喝口酒再說。”


Howeer , there are seeral problems with artificial heart ales 然而,對于人造心瓣膜來說還是有許多的問題。

Cantrell and cochrane s ginger ale aromatic . clery s summer sale 坎特雷爾與科克倫姜麥酒加了香料的。

Abctrading company , oversea ale department . ca i hel you ( abc貿易公司海外銷售部。我能為你作些什麼嗎? )

Romulan ale should be illegal 羅謬勒斯啤酒應該是違禁品

Ale will make cat speak 參考譯文貓喝啤酒,也會開口。

Dad , can i have some ginger ale 爸爸,我能喝一些姜湯嗎

It was unclear what the actual dispatch time was for the ale personnel 不清楚執法人員的實際派遣時間。

You can drink your fancy ales you can drink ' em by the flagon 你盡可以喝你的無色寡酒你盡可以豪飲無量

Mr dance must have some ale 丹斯先生一定想來點啤酒吧。 ”

Shandy gaff is made with equal parts of beer and ginger ale 這款雞尾酒的配方是等分的啤酒和干姜汁。

The break - up with ale ' s hit him hard 和ale分手使他很受傷害

Just keep your eye on the horizon . i ' ll get you some ginger ale 一直看著地平線我去給你拿些姜酒

With ale everything ' s more delicate 和ale ,什么事都變得很慎重

A serving wench brought us our ale 一個女仆給我們端來了麥芽酒。

Rumei : i ' d like some ginger ale , please 如梅:我想喝點姜汁汽水。

Came in and drank all your ginger ale 進來把你的姜汁啤酒全喝完了

The ginger ale foamed over onto the table 姜汁汽水起泡沫滿到桌上。