
aldridge n.奧爾德里奇〔姓氏〕。

“ we don ' t know who sent it to miss tripsack . we can only assume that they must have been of means , as cards were a novelty at the time , “ aldridge said 奧爾德里奇說, “我們不知道是誰將它寄給了瑪麗?切薩克小姐。只能認為,在當時賀卡是富有的一種象征,因為在那個年代,賀卡是很新奇的事物。

Aldridge said he was “ pleased with the price and that the card is staying in this country within the greetings card industry . 奧爾德里奇說,圣誕卡能以高價賣出,而且還能留在本國的賀卡圈內,實在是令人欣慰的事。

Aldridge said he was “ pleased with the price and that the card is staying in this country within the greetings card industry . 奧爾德里奇說,圣誕卡能以高價賣出,而且還能留在本國的賀卡圈內,實在是令人欣慰的事。

We can only assume that they must have been of means , as cards were a novelty at the time , “ aldridge said 只能認為,在當時賀卡是富有的一種象征,因為在那個年代,賀卡是很新奇的事物。 ”

We can only assume that they must have been of means as cards were a novelty at the time , “ said aldridge 我們只能猜想那時的人們肯定會將圣誕卡片視做一種非常新奇的事物。 ”


A 162 - year - old christmas card , one of the first commercial cards produced for the season , sold at auction in england on saturday for 16 , 000 . the hand - colored card , which shows a family celebrating around a table , is one of about 10 surviving from an original batch of 1 , 000 printed in 1843 , auctioneers hendry aldridge and son said 本次拍賣活動的主辦方亨德利奧爾德里奇父子拍賣行的有關人員表示,這張圣誕卡片是于1843年印制的,當時這批賀卡總共印刷了1000張,而目前的“幸存者”僅有10張。

This undated handout photo issued by henry aldridge & son auction house , shows a 162 - year - old christmas card . the card was sold at auction in devizes , england on saturday dec . 3 , 2005 for 16 , 000 dollars 這張未標明具體日期的資料照片顯示的是已有162年歷史的圣誕卡。 12月3日(星期六) ,這張卡在英國德維茲成功拍賣。負責此次拍賣活動的亨利?奧爾德里奇父子拍賣行介紹說,這張卡的成交價格是1 . 6萬美元。

The hand - colored card , which shows a family celebrating around a table , is one of about 10 surviving from an original batch of 1 , 000 printed in 1843 , auctioneer henry aldridge said 這張圣誕卡為手工著色,畫面描繪的是一家人圍著一張桌子歡慶圣誕的景象。據負責此次拍賣活動的亨利?奧爾德里奇介紹,這張卡印制于1843年,當時這批圣誕卡共印制了1000張,而幸存至今的只有10張。

The hand - colored card , which shows a family celebrating around a table , is one of about 10 surviving from an original batch of 1 , 000 printed in 1843 , auctioneer henry aldridge said 據負責此次拍賣活動的亨利奧爾德里奇介紹,這張卡印制于1843年,當時這批圣誕卡共印制了1000張,而幸存至今的只有10張。

“ we don ' t know who sent it to miss tripsack . we can only assume that they must have been of means , as cards were a novelty at the time , “ aldridge said 奧爾德里奇說, “我們不知道是誰將它寄給了瑪麗?切薩克小姐。只能認為,在當時賀卡是富有的一種象征,因為在那個年代,賀卡是很新奇的事物。

Aldridge said he was “ pleased with the price and that the card is staying in this country within the greetings card industry . 奧爾德里奇說,圣誕卡能以高價賣出,而且還能留在本國的賀卡圈內,實在是令人欣慰的事。

Aldridge said he was “ pleased with the price and that the card is staying in this country within the greetings card industry . 奧爾德里奇說,圣誕卡能以高價賣出,而且還能留在本國的賀卡圈內,實在是令人欣慰的事。

But where is the f * * * ing link to the article that bucher and aldridge said this is 85 - 90 % going to happen 不知道誰最初發的那個消息,現在到處的中文論壇都傳開了,但大家就沒注意到這些文章統一都沒有原文連接?

We can only assume that they must have been of means , as cards were a novelty at the time , “ aldridge said 只能認為,在當時賀卡是富有的一種象征,因為在那個年代,賀卡是很新奇的事物。 ”

Lamarcus aldridge led portland with 24 points and joel pryzbilla tied a season high with 16 rebounds 阿爾德里奇拿下開拓者最高的24分,普茲比拉拿下追平生涯最高紀錄的16個籃板。

We can only assume that they must have been of means as cards were a novelty at the time , “ said aldridge 我們只能猜想那時的人們肯定會將圣誕卡片視做一種非常新奇的事物。 ”

The likes of ian rush , john barnes and john aldridge were the guys i always looked up to 我是看著伊恩.拉什、約翰.巴恩斯和約翰.奧利奇的比賽長大的。